Certain instructions on Teachers Monthly Promotions

 Memo.No.13029/83/2021-EST 3 Dt:-23/07/2021

Sub: – School Education – Representation/grievances received from various
Teacher Unions – Forwarded for taking necessary action – Regarding.

Ref:-Govt.Memo.No. 1460181/A1/General/2021-1, Dated: 20/07/2021

While enclosing a copy of the above reference cited, all the District
Educational Officers in the state are requested to examine the requests
and take necessary further action as per rules in force

Dukkipati Madhusudhanarao, 


O/o the Director of School Education, A.P., 


Memo.No.1460181/A1/General/2021-1 Dated: 20/07/2021 

Sub:School Education – Representations/grievances received from various
Teacher Unions -Necessary action – Requested – Reg.

Ref: 1) Representation of Andhra Pradesh Upadhyaya Sangam, dt. 24.04.2021 ,
received on 26.07.2021 2) Representation of Andhra Pradesh Teachers’ Guild,
dt.24.06.2021, received on 05.07.2021 3) Representation of AP SC ST Upadhyaya
Sangam, dt.12.07.2021

Copy of the references cited are sent herewith to the Director of School
Education, A.P., Ibrhimpatnam and he is requested to examine the requests
made in the references cited and take further necessary action in the
matter as per rules in force

B Rajsekhar I A S

 Principal Secretary To Government .

Flash...   TMF – Ayahs engaged – Observations of particulars in TMF – Certain Irregularities are noticed