Payment of honorarium to Ayahs for Toilet maintenance –instructions–Issued

 Memo.ESE02/27021/38/2021-MDM-CSE Dt:05/07/2021

Sub: Midday Meals & School Sanitation – Toilet Maintenance Fund (TMF) –
Engagement of Ayahs in all Govt., Schools/ Junior colleges for Toilet
maintenance–Payment of honorarium–instructions–Issued-Regarding.


1.G.O.Ms.No.22 School Education (Prg-1) Department, dt.12-03-21
2.Director MDM & SS Memo No. ESEO2/21/7/2021–MDM-CSE, dt
3. Note file orders from the Government e ofce File No. ESE02-
27021/38/2021-MDM -CSE. Dated:02.07.2021

The attention of all the District Education Ofcers in the State in invited
to the reference read above, and are informed that the Government have
decided for implementation of School Sanitation under Toilet Maintenance
Fund, which was created for keeping the donation from each parent for
maintenance of toilets.

To implement TMF immediately and in anticipation of the Government
Orders and in the interest of health and hygiene of students, instructions
were issued in the reference 2ndread above, to all the District Education
ofcers to permit Parents Committees/CDCs to engage Ayahs in the schools.

Accordingly, schools started engaging ayahs through Parents
Committees. As per the data uploaded by the Head Masters of the Schools in
the Dashboard, 45,126 Ayahs have been engaged by the Parents Committees
in the Government schools.

Subsequently, the Government issued GO in the reference 1st read
above, for engaging the Ayahs through the Parent Committees/CDCs., and
other activities of procurement of cleaning chemicals/tools, trainings /SOPs
etc., The Government(Finance Department)created PD accounts for TMF in
the name of the District Collectors in the districts.

Flash...   30 శాతం సిలబస్ కుదింపు

As per para 16 of the the reference 1st read above, “the funds
received as voluntary donations by mothers from the previous year
Ammavodi scheme are available with DEOs/DVEOs/Schools. All these funds
should be verified in DEO ofce/DVEO/Schools/Junior Colleges and to be
transferred to the DTMF with proper records and registers”

Since the Ayahs were engaged by Parent Committees/CDC in
schools/Junior colleges, and payment of honorarium is pending from the 2nd
week of February,2021 to April 19th, 2021. However, it is noted from dash board that most of the HMs have not uploaded the toilet maintenance
parameters in the mobile application on daily basis in spite of the instructions
to upload the Toilet Maintenance parameters daily in the App, leading to
doubts about the cleaning of toilets due to absence of updating of the daily
entries in the App.

However, it is decided that on the humanitarian grounds, a fiied
amount of Rs.1,000/-honorarium per month shall be paid to the Ayahs,
through the Parent Committees /CDCs for the months from Febrauary,2021 to
July 2021, duly calculating from the date of joining and to pay proportionately
for that month and then pay fixed amount of Rs.1000/- for subsequent
months till July 2021.

Flash...   Ban on request transfer of teachers / Headmaster Grade-II

The Ayahs should visit the schools daily and clean once as schools have
been reopened from July 1st onwards. Once the children start coming to the
schools, the cleaning has to be done as per the SOP

Further, the DEOs are informed that future remuneration of ayahs will
depend on the daily entries by the schools in the TMF module of the app,
once schools are opened for students

In view of the above, The District Collectors and District Education
Officers in the State are requested to :  

i. Utilise the present available Ammavodi donation amounts
(which should be first transferred to DTMF from all Joint
accounts of DEO/ APC and from HMs accounts) for giving
honorarium to the Ayahs from DTMF, from February to July
2021 @ Rs 1000 per Ayah per month , since their joining time
after issue of proceedings vide reference number 2nd cited

ii. To reimburse the eipenses so made from Ammavodi
donations, once the TMF amount is received/ deposited in the
PD Account, and 

iii.To ensure proper accounts and maintenance of registers at
various levels.

The above instructions shall be followed scrupulously.


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