Re – Counselling (web) to Municipal merging Teachers – certain instructions to AP CFSS

 Lr.Rc.No.13029/11/2021-EST 3, Dt:20/07/2021

School Education – Certain court cases fled by the teachers working
in MPP/ZPP Schools in the limits of Municipal
Corporation/Municipalities to continue them in the same schools –
Fresh Counselling as per the orders of the Hon’ble High Court dated
14-07-2021– Regarding


1. This Ofce Procs Rc.No.13029/11/2021-EST 3, dt:15/06/2021.

 2. Orders Dt.14.07.2021 of the Hon’ble High Court of A.P. issued in
WP No.11631; 11469; 11470; 11734; 11913; 11959; 11994 and
12007 of 2021.

The CEO, 


Andhra Pradesh, Amaravati 

I wish to inform that for re-apportionment of teaching staf under
various managements viz.,Govt.ZP and MPP Schools, Government issued
G.O.MS.No.53 dated 12.10.2020. In order to conduct transfers to teachers
guidelines were issued vide G.O.Ms.No.54 dated 12.10.2020 and
subsequently amendment was issued vide GO.Ms.No.59 dated 24.11.2020
for the academic year 2020-21. Accordingly, the transfer counselling was
conducted and completed on 14.01.2021 except School Assistants
(Telugu/Hindi/Physical Education) and Headmasters Gr.II in the districts of
Guntur, Krishna, Prakasam, Nellore, Kadapa, Chittoor and Kurnool

2. Further, I wish to inform that in the reference cited, the Hon’ble High
Court of A.P. in WP No.11631; 11469; 11470; 11734; 11913; 11959; 11994
and 12007 of 2021 has issued orders as ;

Flash...   Declaration of Tobacco free for all management schools

” Accordingly, there shall be direction as prayed for. the action of
the respondents in issuing proceedings dated 15.06.2021 limiting
the counselling to categories III and IV is set aside. It is held to be
contrary to the guidelines prescribed in G.O.Ms.No.54 and also
the orders passed in W.A.No.80 of 2021 and Batch. The
respondents are therefore directed to immediately carryout fresh
counselling strictly in terms of G.O.Ms.No.54 and the instructions
recorded in the order of Division Bench.

With the above observations the the Writ Petitions are  allowed. No order as to costs. 

Consequently, the Miscellaneous Applications pending, if any, shall stand closed.”

3. In this connection, I wish to inform that to implement the orders of
the Hon’ble High Court of A.P dated 14-07-2021, there is a need to conduct
fresh transfer counselling to the limited teachers through web counselling. 

4. I, therefore request to provide access to conduct of fresh transfer
counselling to the teachers as per Hon’ble High Court of A.P. orders dated
14-07-2021 through web counselling as per upcoming schedule.

Yours faithfully,

 Chinaveerabhadrudu Vadrevu 

Director, School Education
