Aided schools: Closure of Zero Enrollment schools – instructions

 Memo No.ESE-02-18022/12/2021 -PS-3-CSE Date:18/08/2021

Sub: School Education-Aided – Declining of students enrolment in Aided
Schools-Certain instructions– Issued

Read: 1. G.O.Ms.No.1188, Education, dated.10.5.1966.
2. G.O.Ms.No.725, Education, dated.7-7-1977.
3. A.P. Education Act, 1982.
4. G.O.Ms.No.344, Education, dated.22-7-1985.
5. G.O.Ms.No.238, Education, dated.27-5-1996.
6. A.P.Private Educational institutions Grant-inAid(Regulation)Act,1988. (Act 22 of 1988)
7. G.O.Ms.No.524, Education, dated.20-12-1988.
8. G.O.Ms No.01 Education Dated 01.01.1994 and subsequent
9. G.O.Ms No.39 Education Dated 17.06.2013.
10.Hon’ble Supreme Court Judgement dt.12-4-2012 in W.P(C)
No.95 of 2010.
11.Notices issued by the RJDSEs and DEOs in the State.
12.This ofce Memo No. ESE02-18022/12/2021-PS-3-CSE
Dated 09.06.2021, 12.07.2021 and 24.07.2021

All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and the District
Educational Ofcers in the state are informed that as per the norms in the
G.Os 1st to 8th read above, the unaided schools admitted into Grant-in-Aid
in the State of Andhra Pradesh.

In the reference 10th cited, the Hon’ble Apex court made the
following observation at para 8 of the judgement

“Needless to observe that if there is inadequate response to the
Government funded school, it is but appropriate that either the divisions
there of or the school itself be closed and the students and staf of such
schools be transferred”. 

In this connection, they are informed that in the decades of 1970’s
and 1980’s the number of Government and local body schools are very low
and for educating the students number of educational institutions
established by the group of individuals/organisations under charity. From
1990s under APPEP/DPEP/SSA schemes, a number of schools have been
established by Government and local bodies by covering all most all the
habitations in the State of Andhra Pradesh. To achieve the aim of
universalisation of elementary education and literate every child in the
habitations, Government of Andhra Pradesh more focussed on creating
access to the students. Further at the same time, number of unaided
schools were permitted by the Government to meet the educational needs
of the students. Meanwhile owing to a number of reasons, the strength of
the aided schools has been gradually declining

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Further, they are informed that as per amendment brought to SubRule 17 of Rule 10 in GO.Ms.No.1 vide G.O.Ms.No.39 Education dated
17-6-2013, which states that:-

Rule 10(17) – That when a private aided school is forced to be closed
down for any reason or whenever the management of the school
goes out of the way to remove any of its staf members or whenever
there is a fall in strength in a private aided school for two successive
academic years or whenever an exercise for rationalization of aided
staf workiing in aided institutions is takien up, the competent
authority may transfer the staf, with or without posts, as the case
may be to any other needy private aided school within the district.
(17 A) Where, in pursuance of action takien under sub rule (17), an
aided post in an institution is rendered surplus, the same shall stand
suppressed on transfer of the incumbent to another aided institution
with efect from the date of such transfer.”

In view of the above Acts, Government orders and above
circumstances of Aided Schools, the Regional Joint Directors of School
Education and the District Educational Ofcers in the State are requested to initiate necessary action on the following:

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a.)To close the enrolment aided Schools wherever the enrolment was
zero during 2020-21 and issue instructions to the
Correspondents/Special Ofcers of the Schools to relieve the aided
teachers working in said aided intuitions to report before the District
Educational Ofcer. The District Educational Ofcers are requested
to depute them to the needy aided schools temporarily on work
adjustment basis till further instructions are issued. They are
directed to submit list of schools closed along with the details of staf
adjusted to needy schools on work adjustment basis.  

b.) The explanations furnished by the correspondents, which are
examined by the RJDSEs/DEOs and copy submitted to this ofce
have been examined in detail and they are found not satisfactory as
they are not based on academic and genuine grounds. However,
issue notices indicating one more opportunity to the correspondents
of Primary/U.P/High Schools where the school strength has been
declining consistently during 2019-20 and 2020-21 to improve their
during current year. If the managements fail to improve by 30-9-
2021, the competent authorities shall take necessary further action
as per Acts and rules duly observing the norms of access to the
schools to the habitations as per the Rules issued under RTE and
also as per G.O.Ms.No.1, dated.1-1-1994.

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c.) To designate a separate a team with one Assistant Director, One
Superintendent and one Section Assistant in their ofces for close
monitoring of receipt of explanations for processing fles duly
examining the each case in student academic and access of school

The above instructions should be followed scrupulously. Any deviation
in this regard will be viewed seriously and necessary action will be
initiated against the concerned Regional Joint Directors of School
Education and the District Educational Ofcers in the State

Chinaveerabhadrudu Vadrevu 

Director, School Education

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