Teachers/HMs who are absconding from duties for more than 1 year

 Memo.No.13021/12/2021-EST 3 Dated:10/08/2021 


School Education – Details of teachers/HMs who are absconding
from duties for more than 1 year without prior permission from the
concerned authorities prescribed formats – Information – Called for –


1.CC.No.1409 of 2020 in WP No.1749 of 2020 of Ananthapuramu
2.Instructions issued by this Ofce vide Memo. 13026 /27/2018-EST
3-CSE dated 16-06-2020

The attention of all Regional Joint Director of School Education/
District Educational Ofcers in the State is invited to the references cited
and they are informed that it came to the notice that certain
teachers have been absconding from duties and no action has been taken
against them.

2. In this connection, they are requested to furnish the details of
teachers those who have been absconding from duties for more than 1
year without prior permission from the concerned authorities, in the
following format within (3) days.

Details of teachers/HMs who are absconded from duties for more
than 1 year

3. Further, they are informed that if any report received after (3) days
the concerned RJDSE/DEO will be held responsible for the delay. Any
proposals received for compulsory wait or to treat the gap period as duty
period or for any other subsequent legal complications, the concerned
DEO and staf responsible for the inaction shall be subject to appropriate
disciplinary action as per rules.

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