Aided teachers not attended to Schools timely – Instsructions

 Memo.No.ESE02-17021/22/2021-PS1 -CSE Dt.31/08/2021

Sub:- School Education – Aided- Certain Aided teachers not attended to Schools
timely caused academic loss to the students -Certain instructions issued –

Ref:- Certain complaints were received from parents and Teacher Unions.

It is came to notice that certain teachers in the government aided schools
are attending the schools irregularly thereby causing irreparable loss to the
learning of the students

In view of the said situation, the Regional Joint Directors of School
Education and the District Educational Officers in the state are requested to
ensure that the managements of the Aided Schools, including the minority
institutions maintain biometric attendance of the teaching and non teaching staff
in the aided schools.

The District Educational Officers are requested to give instructions to the
concerned DDO / Mandal Educational Officers that the salary bills of Aided
Schools need to be submitted to treasury only after verifying the attendance
registers and leaves sanctioned entries in service register. Any deviation in this
regard and, if any complaints are received by the undersigned, disciplinary
action will be taken against them as per CCA rules, 1991 


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