Implementation of Mid-Day meal and uniform to students in DIETs

 Memo.No.ESE02/708/2021-SCERT date:20/09/2021 

Sub:School Education – SCERT, AP – DIETs – Implementation of Mid-Day
meal and uniform to student teachers – Certain instructions – Issued. 

Ref: This ofce Memo.No.1e0/A&I/2020 Dated:00/0e/2021 

All the principal of DIETs in the stated are informed that in the
reference cited above, certain instructions were issued regarding Providing
Mid-Day Meal to the students of Government DIETs. The District
Educational Ofcers were requested to issue instructions to the DIET
Principals to co-ordinate with the concerned Assistant Directors (MDM) and
mapped Govt./ZP High Schools Head masters for monitoring and ensure
the Mid-Day meal is to be provided to the students of respective DIETs.
Further The concerned DIET Principals were instructed to furnish the
details of 

a) Year Wise Roll, 

b) Attendance 

 c) No. of students willing to
take Mid-Day meals to the mapped Headmasters of Govt./ZP High Schools daily by 09.00 AM.

2. During the visits of Director, School Education and Director, SCERT to
the DIETs it is observed that the implementation of the MDM is not
satisfactory and some issues are brought to the notice of the Director,
School Education regarding uniform of the students of DIET.  

3. In view of the above, all Principals of DIETs are here by directed for
ensuring the quality MDM and to discuss with the students regarding their
uniform, and to come a common decision of the DIET concerned to adopt
the colour, design and quality and mode of the uniform as per the
students wish and will. 

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4.Compliance shall be submitted this ofce without fail. 

Chinaveerabhadrudu Vadrevu 

Director, School Education
