Launch of major initiatives by Hon’ble Prime Minister on the occasion of completion of one year of NEP,2020

 Memo. No. ESE02/641/2021-PLG -CSE Dated: 31/08/2021

Sub: School Education – National Education Policy 2020- Launch of major
initiatives by Hon’ble Prime Minister on the occasion of completion of one
year of NEP,2020 – Communicated – Reg.

Ref: 1. Govt. Memo No. ESE01-SEDN0CSE/798/2021, dated 13.08.2021
2. From the Secretary, GoI,MoE,DoHE, D.O.No 2-9/2021-PN.II dated

The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and the
District Educational Officers in the state is invited to the references cited, wherein
the Secretary to GoI, MoE, has informed that, on occasion of completion of one
year to NEP, 2020, the Hon’ble Prime Minister launched major initiatives and
requested to take appropriate steps for the dissemination and implementation of
these initiatives in the Educational Institutions of the State.

2. Further, it is informed that in the reference 2nd cited, it has been stated
that the following initiatives are launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister on 29th
July 2021. (Pertaining to school education)

  1. • Vidya Pravesh – School Preparation Module 
  2. • Indian Sign Language as a subject at Secondary Level 
  3. • NISHTHA 2.0 for Secondary Teachers 
  4. • Structured Assessment for Analyzing Learning Levels (SAFAL) 

3. The above initiatives can be accessed from the website of MoE, GoI

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Vidya Pravesh – School Preparation Module 

4. VIDYA PRAVESH—Guidelines for Three-month Play-based School
Preparation Module for Grade-I Children, has been developed as per the
recommendations of the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. The purpose is to
help teachers ensure that all children are exposed to a warm and welcoming
environment when they enter Grade-I, particularly during the Covid-19 pandemic,
leading to their smooth transition to school. The guidelines intends to create a
stimulating learning environment that is joyful, safe, ensures emotional security
and provides support to all the children in school and at home. The play-based
pedagogy is a significant aspect of the guidelines that plays a vital role in
creating a joyful and stress-free environment for children to learn, and also in
addressing the learning needs of children with special needs or disabilities
(Diviyang). Focus is also given on learning in mother tongue or home language
and allowing as many languages as children bring to the classroom, including
sign language.  

Indian Sign Language as a subject at Secondary Level 

5. It has been provided a link which states that the National  Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) is offering Indian Sign Language as a subject
for secondary level for deaf and hard of hearing learners, to interact with the
world around them, to develop understanding about deaf culture and
communities and for easy knowledge acquisition and comprehension.

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NISHTHA 2.0 for Secondary Teachers 

6. NISHTHA 2.0 for the Secondary Stage encompasses of 12 generic courses
covering generic concerns and 7 courses covering pedagogical concerns in seven
subject areas – Science, Mathematics, Social sciences and Languages –Hindi,
Urdu, Sanskrit and English. Each generic course will be of 3-4 hours duration and
pedagogy courses will be of total 24-25 hours within which teachers will have
flexibility to complete the course. Each teacher and school head at Secondary
level will be expected to complete around 12 generic courses and one pedagogy
course as per their subject. Instructions are being issued by Samagra Shiksha,

Structured Assessment for Analyzing Learning Levels (SAFAL) 

7. In view of the New Education Policy 2020, key focus on skill-based and
competency based assessment, and of NIPUN Bharat, with its commitment
towards improving the achievement of student learning outcomes in the
foundational years, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is planning
to introduce a competency-based assessment to assess student learning
outcomes on key competencies. The proposed name of the assessment is
Structured Assessment for Analyzing Learning (SAFAL). The assessment would be
focused on the assessment of core competencies. SAFAL results would provide
diagnostic data and insights to each school for promoting development of

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8. Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District
Educational Officers in the State are directed to go through the guidelines of each
initiative and take further necessary action for its implementation.

Download proceedings

• Vidya Pravesh – School Preparation Module 

• Indian Sign Language as a subject at Secondary Level 

• NISHTHA 2.0 for Secondary Teachers 

• Structured Assessment for Analyzing Learning Levels (SAFAL)

1 Year Achievements of the NEP 2020 Implementation