Workshop for content Creation for VII class new Text Books

 RC.No.ESE02/436/2020-SCERT dt: 02/09/2021


School Education – SCERT – Conduct of workshop towards energizing
& Content creation and Polling of content into Q.R. codes for
preparation of VII class new text books – Orders- Issued– Regarding.

Ref:- 1. Note orders of Director of School Education dated 20-09-2020.
2. R.C.No: 2/B/C&T/SCERT/2020 dated 16-12-2020.

In continuation of the orders issued in reference 2nd read above, all
the District Educational officers are informed that the SCERT introduced
new text books for the Class – VII for the academic year 2021-22. In these
books each chapter was given with 2 new Q.R. codes. These Q.R. codes
should be energized by pooling of the relevant content. 

In the above context, the Director, SCERT has decided to conduct a
workshop from 13.09.2021 to 18.09.2021 i.e., 06 days at SCERT Conference
hall Ibrahimpatnam, Vijayawada with the identified subject experts in each
subject from the Districts for content pooling for QR codes of 7th class Text
Books including Languages and Non- Languages. The list of participants are
enclosed herewith. 

Therefor, all the District Educational Officers are requested to relieve
and depute the participants/ subject teachers with an instruction to
attend the Workshop will be conducted from 13.09.2021 to 18.09.2021 at
SCERT with laptops, text books and other relevant material for energizing of
QR codes for Class – VII new textbooks without fail. TA, DA will be paid as
per APTA norms.

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Download list of Participants