Aided staff absorption into Government – Schedule released for counselling

  Memo No. ESE-02-18022/119/2020-PS-3-CSE Dated. 18/10/2021 .

School Education Department- Absorption of the aided staff reported to the
Government as per the policy for takeover of willing Private Aided Schools –
Mapping and admitting of children based on the request of parents to nearby
schools- Certain instructions – issued.

1. AP Educational Act.1982.
2. G.O.Ms.No.01 Education Dept Dt.01.01.1994.
3. G.O.Rt.No.52 Higher Education (C.E) Dept. Dt. 06.04. 2021.
4. G.O.Ms.No.50 School Education (P.S) Dept. Dt.17.08.2021.
5. G.O.Ms.No.65 School Education (P.S) Dept. Dt.24.09.2021.
6. Govt Memo.No.1521210-D/D1/2021, MA&UD Dept dated5-10-2021.
7. This office Lr.Rc.No.ESE02-18022/119/2020-PS3-CSE Dt, 8-10-2021 from
Director of School Education,
8 Govt Memo.No.1379144/PS/2021 SE Dept Dt.13.10.2021
9. Govt Memo.No.ESE01/299/2021-PS SE Dept Dt.13.10.2021
10 This office Memo.Even.No.Dt.14.10.2021.

In continuation to the instructions issued by this office, all the Regional Joint
Directors of School Education and District Education Officers in the state are
requested to take necessary action as per the guidelines issued at reference 10th
read above, by duly following the schedule given below with the approval of
committee constituted therein, and also update the status of children at School Login
at for tracking from time to time:

For Students:-

1 Mapping and admitting of children of all schools based on the
request of parents to nearby schools (Primary, Upper Primary
and High Schools) : 18.10.2021 to

Flash...   Sustainability in Schools First National Workshop

For Teachers

1 Generation of Seniority List of Teachers (District Level): 20.10.2021 to

2 Display of lists for objections (District Level) : 23.10.2021 at 5.00

3 Objections on seniority (District Level) 24.10.2021 to

4 Objections disposal and publication of Final Seniority
list (District Level).

5 Display of Vacancies in Management wise (District Level) 01.11.2021 

6 Web Options (State Level) 02.11.2021 to

7 Allotment of orders 06.11.2021 

8 Reporting to schools 07.11.2021

Chinaveerabhadrudu Vadrevu