G.O.Ms.No.80 Decentralization of functional activities to the Director of Treasuries and Accounts

Finance Department – Andhra Pradesh Centre for Financial Systems and Services (APCFSS) –
Decentralization of functional activities to the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, Director of
Works and Accounts, Pay and Accounts Officer and the AP State Capital Region Treasury
(APCRT) – Orders – Issued.


G.O.Ms.No.80 Dated: 12-10-2021

Read the following:-

1. GO Ms. No.192, Dated 07/10/2016 of Finance (IT) Department.
2. GO Ms. No.203, Dated 21/10/2016 of Finance (IT) Department.
3. Govt. UO Note No.16023/14/Dir.(IT)/2017, Dated 27/03/2017 of Finance
(OP.II) Department addressed to all Secretariat Departments.
4. GO Ms. No. 92, Dated 05/05/2014 of Finance (Admn.I) Department..
5. GO Ms. No.121, Dated 25/06/2016 of Finance (HR.VI-TFR) Department

Government of Andhra Pradesh has established the Andhra Pradesh Centre for Financial
Systems and Services (APCFSS) vide the Government Orders 1st and 2nd read above, with a
key mandate to accelerate the implementation of processes, systems and controls on a
continuous basis across all the Departments and ensure that the overall public financial
governance is efficient, transparent and accountable.

2. The APCFSS has been incorporated as a not-for-profit company under Section 8 of the
Companies Act, 2013. APCFSS has a dedicated management structure that is operating
independently, while the overall strategic control of the Government is maintained offering a
vantage point for the Government of Andhra Pradesh to lay a strong foundation for
implementing robust public finance systems. Further, the Government vide the U.O. Note 3rd
read above have permitted APCFSS to render services to various Government departments and
agencies in a seamless manner.

3. Government in order to properly channelize the above efforts in a focused and
accountable manner, to improve agility in decision making and also to support the government
in a speedy manner, hereby issue orders to decentralize certain functional activities, which are
hitherto being managed by APCFSS, to the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, the Director
of Works and Accounts and the Pay and Accounts Officer as detailed below.

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a. The Director of Treasuries Accounts shall act as the Ex-Officio Project Director in
APCFSS, for all the aspects related to Receipts, Expenditure and Human Capital
Management modules of the Comprehensive Financial Management System (CFMS).

b. The Pay and Accounts Officer shall act as the Ex-Officio Project Director in APCFSS,
for all the aspects related to Receipts, Expenditure and Human Capital Management
modules of the Comprehensive Financial Management System (CFMS), with reference
to the territorial jurisdiction of the Secretariat Departments and HoDs.

c. The Director of Works and Accounts shall act as the Ex-Officio Project Director in
APCFSS, for all the aspects related to Works Management module of the CFMS.

d. The Ex-Officio Project Directors shall constitute Core Teams with competent in-service
Officers in their respective domain areas, to provide domain expertise and guidance to
the IT teams concerned in APCFSS.

e. The said Ex-Officio Project Directors shall ensure that any new requirements and/or
modifications in the existing CFMS modules shall be received, analyzed in accordance
with Codal provisions, converted into appropriate business requirements by their
respective Core Teams, and passed on to the IT teams concerned in APCFSS for
designing, developing and delivering the software systems and services. They shall also
ensure that required field level inputs are provided to the development and business
teams in APCFSS, to enable them to arrive at practical software solutions.

f. The said Ex-Officio Project Directors shall take ownership, drive their respective
modules, support the development and business teams in APCFSS and also ensure that
the end users are highly satisfied with the services.

g. The said Ex-Officio Project Directors shall ensure periodical and timely provision of
required MIS reports to the Finance department and the user departments.

h. They shall also take care of activities such as Online receipts, Reconciliation of the
transactions by coordinating with RBI and other relevant Bankers, Bill Processing,
Accounting, Monitoring daily cash management and Reporting. 
4. Further, the Government vide the G.O. 4th read above, have created the AP State
Headquarters Treasury at the O/o the Director of Treasuries and Accounts (DTA), Hyderabad
and subsequent to the state bifurcation, the Government of Andhra Pradesh, vide the
Government Order 5th read above, have created the AP State Capital Region Treasury (APCRT)
at the O/o the Director of Treasuries and Accounts (DTA), Amaravati at Ibrahimpatnam, to
mainly deal with the following activities:-

a. Handling and Accounting of Government Receipts collected through physical mode and
through Cyber Treasury.
b. Maintenance of PD accounts of the Heads of Departments and Corporations of
residuary Andhra Pradesh functioning from Hyderabad.
c. Payments of Pensions including first payments to the pensioners of residuary Andhra
Pradesh State retiring from Heads of Departments and Secretariat of Andhra Pradesh
after the appointed day.
d. Preparing and rendering of monthly accounts to the Principal Accountant
General, watching settlement of interstate suspense related issues and Cyber Treasury

5 Consequent to the implementation of CFMS, certain activities entrusted to the AP State
Capital Region Treasury, Amaravati have been centralized due to various changes brought into
the processes like adoption of e-Kuber System duly dispensing with agency bank for payments
and changes in methods of collection of receipts, implementation of disbursement tracking in
PD accounts, etc. The availability and visibility of the data from several dimensions in CFMS
has provided an opportunity to properly depict finances under relevant Heads of Accounts
based on the actual nature of the transactions.

6. Considering the above, it is further ordered to entrust the following activities, which are
currently being managed by APCFSS, to the AP State Capital Region Treasury (APCRT)
situated at the O/o the Director of Treasuries and Accounts (DTA), Amaravati.

a. Acting as the Nodal Office (Accounts) for GST Transactions.

b. Acknowledgement and verification of account statement with reference to DN, CN and
RNs received from Reserve Bank of India by respective Treasury Officers.

c. Issue of Verified Date-wise Monthly Statements to both State Bank of India (agency
bank) and Reserve Bank of India (e-Kuber).

d. Monitoring of Memorandum of Errors raised to GSTN and related correspondence.

e. Year-end lapsing activities along with Treasury Offices & in coordination with Finance

f. Intermittent postings as per the Orders of the Government.

g. Posting of delayed NEFT returns received from Reserve Bank of India.
7. Therefore, the Government hereby direct the CEO, APCFSS to initiate & complete the
process of de-centralization of the activities wherever required, to the Director of Treasuries
and Accounts, the Pay & Accounts Officer, Director of Works and Accounts and also to the AP
State Capital Region Treasury (APCRT),while continue extending required IT support to them
in managing the above decentralized activities.
8. All the Secretariat Departments, HoDs, Government Offices or individuals are
requested to make correspondence only with the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, PAO or
the Director of Works and Accounts, as applicable, for any new requirements, modifications,
incidents, information & CFMS issues.
9. The Director of Treasuries and Accounts, the Pay and Accounts Officer, the Director of
Works &Accounts, the Chief Executive Officer, APCFSS shall take necessary action in the