Seniority of School Assistants for who were promoted but not relieved – instructions

 Rc.No.13/37/2021-EST-3 Dt:01/10/2021.

Sub:- School Education – To reckon the seniority of School Assistants
(who were promoted but not relieved to join in the promoted posts
on administrative reasons) – Certain Instructions – Issued.

1. Lr.Rc.No.104/(A3)B2/2021, dated:07.09.2021 of the District
Educational Ofcer, SPSR Nellore district.
2. Lr.Rc.No.104/(A3)B2/2021, dated:13.09.2021 of the District
Educational Ofcer, SPSR Nellore district.
3.Representation of various teacher Associations with regard to
placing promotees over DSC-2002/DSC-2003 candidates.
3. This ofce eemo.No.13024/69/2020-EST 3 dated 23-12-2020.


The District Educational Ofcer, SPSR Nellore and the all the
Regional Joint Directors of School Education/ District Educational Ofcers
in the State are invited to the references read above, wherein certain
court cases fled by some teachers and representations received from the
unions with regard to reckon the seniority of School Assistants (who were
promoted but not relieved to join in the promoted posts on administrative

2) In the reference 3rd read above, instructions have been issued to the
RJDSE, Visakhapatnam to reckon the seniority of petitioner in the post of
School Assistant from the date of promotion instead of from the date of
joining i.e., 10-03-2006 for future promotions only as administrative delay
occurred due to court cases in relieving the individuals after their

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3) Therefore, the District Educational Ofcer, SPSR Nellore and all the
Regional Joint Directors of School Education/ District Educational Ofcers
in the State are requested to reckon the seniority of School Assistants
(who were promoted but not relieved to join in the promoted posts on
administrative reasons) from the date of promotion instead of from the
date of joining in the promoted post, for future promotions only as
administrative delay occurred due to court cases in relieving the
individuals after their promotion. 

This has got the approval of the Director of School Education, A.P.,

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