Special telugu in Graduation as optional is eligible for SA Telugu promotion

 Memo.No.ESE02-13021/7/2019-EST 3-CSE-Part(1) Date:29/10/2021

Sub:- School Education – Estt.III – Permission to take up promotions up
to the cadre of Head Masters, Grade-II and School Assistants on Adhoc
basis – Clarification Issued.

Read:-1. Lr.Rc.No. 625748/E3/2021, dated: 27.10.2021 of the District
Educational Officer, East Godavari, Kakinada. 2. Letter.No. 152/2021, dated:
28.10.2021 of the MLC, East & West Godavari Teachers’ Constituency Member.

The attention of the District Educational Officer, East Godavari is
invited to the reference read above, and he is clarified that, the
teachers who acquired Spl. Telugu in Graduation as an optional and
additional subject are eligible for promotion to the post of SA (Telugu)
if passed three years papers. 

This has got the approval of Director of School Education, AP,


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