The World Mental Health Day on 10th October,

 Rc.No    ESE02/760/2021-PLG -CSE    dated : 03/10/2021

 Sub: School Education — “Manodarpan”– The World Mental Health Day on 10th October, 2021 – Observe a Mental Health Week from 4th to 10th October, 2021 and undertake the activity / activities with students, teachers, parents and community members in schools – certain instructions – Issued – Reg

Ref:1.Govt. Memo.No.1521097/General/A1/2021-1, dated 27.09.2021. 2. From the Joint Secretary (E.E.I), Gol, Ministry of Education, Department of School Education & Literacy, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi, D.O.Lr.No.F.10-68/2021-Sch4, Dated: 23.09.2021

 O R D E R         

All the District Educational Ofcer in the state are informed that the Ministry of Education, GoI has undertaken the “Manodarpan” initiative which aims to provide psycho-social support to students, teachers and families for mental health and emotional wellbeing during the COVID out break and beyond 

2.      Further the World Metal Health Day will be observed on 10th October, 2021. In this context a Mental Health Week will be observed from 4th to 10th October, 2021. The activities to be undertaken during the Mental Health week from 4th October to 10 October, 2021 are suggested as below 

a. Organize poster making, slogan writing, elocution, performing art, etc., competitions 

b.Conduct self-refective exercises through diferent art forms 

c. Hold story telling sessions 

d.Organize online talks, inter-house or inter school competitions, performing and visual arts sessions on them. such as “Understanding and Caring for Self’, etc. 

e. Conduct Youth Parliament, discussions with students on mental health concerns, mental well-being of fellow students, etc. 

f. Create safe and psychologically comfortable spec. within schools premises such as “Let’s Talk”, “Happiness Zone” or ‘Psychological Safe Zones” for students to talk about their thoughts and emotions. 

g.Teachers to identify mental well-being concerns in their subject content and share them during transaction with their students. 

h. Organise role plays/Nukkad Nataks on effects of bullying, addiction,negative emotions, etc

3.      The activities performed by school shall upload their activities in the following link so as to select the exemplary work of students/teachers and send them at for uploading on “Manodarpan” webpage for wider dissemination among various stakeholders

Flash...   Workshop for preparation of Blue Print for 10th class 

4.      Therefore, all the District Educational Ofcers are requested to encourage schools and students in their respective districts to participate in the above mentioned activities in order to generate awareness on the importance of mental health and emotional well-being in their life. 

5.      Smt. G.Sudha Lakshmi, Lecturer, SCERT (+91 96662 43954) is hereby nominated as state nodal person to coordinate with the districts in obtaining the glimpses of activities, selection of exemplary work and to share the same to GoI

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