Formative Assessment – 2. 2021 Guidelines

 Rc.No. ESE02/567/2021-SCERT /2021 Dated: 24/11/2021 


School Education – SCERT, A.P. – Formative Assessment-2 for the
academic year 2021-22 – Certain guidelines – Issued.
Ref:- Academic Calendar for 2021-22.


The attention of the all the Regional Joint Directors of School
Education and all the District Educational Ofcers in the state are invited
to the reference cited and informed that Formative Assessment -2 for
classes 1 to 10 will be conducted as per the schedule given below.


a. A common question paper will be prescribed by SCERT for all
subjects, all classes under all managements. 

b. FA 2 tests shall be conducted as per the schedule given above 

c. The soft copy of the question paper pertaining to the subject
concerned will be sent to the D.E.O.s concerned. 

d. DEOs to ensure that the question papers will be printed and
distributed all schools under all managements as per the
indent/enrolment through the DCEBs concerned. 

e. SOP and COVID Protocol should be followed scrupulously during

f. Evaluation of answer scripts by the teachers and by the third party,
recording marks in central marks registers, distribution of progress
cards, uploading of marks in web portal should be completed as per

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g. Remedial teaching shall be planned for identified slow learners’
based on the performance in FA2 and shall ensure their seamless
transition to the next level of learning. 

h. Evaluated answer scripts should be preserved for verification by the

3. Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and all
the District Educational Officers in the state are requested to ensure the
Formative Assessment 2 is conducted as per the guidelines and time
frame as suggested above and to ensure the 100% student marks entry in
the school education portal within in the stipulated time without fail.

4. The State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha is requested to meet the
expenditure regarding printing and supply of FA2 question papers
pertaining to government and private aided schools from LEP/any other
available funds at SPO/DPO and to take further necessary action
accordingly. With respect to private un aided schools the District
Educational Officers are requested to ensure that the said expenditure
may be met from the managements concerned through DCEBs. Further,
the Secretaries of DCEBs are requested to chalk out the cost of FA2,
FA3,FA4,SA1 & SA2 question papers and the same may be informed to the
management for its reimbursement according to their indent. 

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