Implementation of “We Love Reading” Programme in all schools in the State

 Rc.No.ESE02/957/2021 24/11/2021


Education – School Education – Implementation of “We Love
Reading” Programme in all schools in the State – Reg

All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education, District
Educational Officers and Additional Project Co-ordinators of Samagra
Shiksha in the State are hereby informed that we are all aware that the
Government of A.P have launched a prestigious Foundational Reading
Literary Campaign in the name of “We Love Reading” (Chadhavatam
Makistam) on 26th November, 2020.

The main objective of this program is to inculcate the habit of reading
among the children from classes 3 to 9. But, due to COVID -19 pandemic
situations, couldn’t be conducted continuously. Now, schools are
functioning and improved children attendance.

Therefore, it’s the time to re-start the program in all schools from class
3 to 9. In this mission mode program, it is necessary to provide a joyful
environment to children to read the books. The HMs, Teachers, Parents,
Youth, Retired Persons, academicians, Civil Society and NGOs etc., will
have to take a lead role to run the program to the fullest extent

In this connection, it is informed that already soft copy of Time Table
was framed and communicated in academic calendar by the SCERT, AP,
Amaravathi. Hence, they are instructed to ensure strict compliance of
given schedule in respect of 3 to 9 classes in all Government Schools.

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Class Teachers concerned shall own up the program. “We Love
Reading” program will encourage the students of their classes to take part
with all enthusiasm towards reading various good books such as children
Magazines, fction, nonfction, biographies and auto biographies etc.,Class Library Committee shall be constituted with 2 boys and 2 girls
along with the class teacher. The committee has to take the responsibility
to maintain class library and distribute the books to the students during
the reading periods. And also distribute 1 or 2 library books selected by
the students of their choice on every Friday duly maintaining Book
Distribution Register to read in their homes.

Students having low interest shall be encouraged well by telling  stories so as to have good understanding ability over reading books and
thereby inculcating interest among such students also to promote a
healthy competitive spirit among them. 

The class library teachers shall evaluate the interest of students and
also engorge for proper usage of the library books lent from the class /
School library

Further, the Heads of institutions should ensure that the library
periods shall be included in the time – table and periods to be conducted
as per the Academic calendar communicated by the SCERT, A.P., from
classes 3 to 9

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All the inspecting ofcers shall necessary observe this aspect during
their visits, inspections, regular meetings/school complex meetings for its
proper implementation in all the schools.

All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education, District Educational
Officers and Additional Project Co-ordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the
State shall review on this aspect in all meetings, reviews with all their field
functionaries and sectoral officers as well.

In view of the above, all the aforesaid ofcers are requested to follow
the given instructions scrupulously and shall upload in the relevant groups
through whats app also

However, it shall be noted that this program shall not be namesake
program and everyone should and ensure best results in the days to
These instructions should be treated as most important.