Launching of Eklavya, an interactive online educational program

 Memo No. ESE02/908/2021-PLG -CSE dated 11/11/2021

Sub:School Education – National Education Policy, 2020 – Launching of
Eklavya, an interactive online educational program to help students and
teachers by equipping them with scientifc temper and key competencies –
Intimation – Reg.

Ref: 1. Govt.Memo.No.ESE01-SEDNOCSE/1125/2021-PROG-II Dt.22/10/2021 2. From
the Director, DSE&L, MoE, Gol, D.O.No.1-4/2021-15.8 dt.07.01.2021.

All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and all District
Educational Ofcers in the State are informed that, CBSE and lIT
Gandhinagar, is launching an Eklavya, an interactive online educational
program to help students and teachers by equipping them with scientifc
temper and key competencies and the content will be varying levels and
will cover topics in Science and Mathematics Curricuculum of classes 6-12
and requested to encourage the teachers and students to participate in the
aforesaid programme.

2. Further, the content will be varying levels and will cover topics in
Science and Mathematics curriculum of classes 6-12. Therefore, students
from classes 6 – 12 can avail this opportunity to register and participate
for conceptural clarity and joyful learning. For teachers, successful
completion of the course with submission of homework may be considered
equivalane to 30 hrs of Teacher Capacity Building program. Therefore, the
teachers also may be encouraged for the afore said program

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3. For further details one can visit 

4. Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education,
Districit Educational Ofcers in the State are requested to dessiminate
this information to all students and teachers so as to register and
participate in the said program.