Permission to take up promotions up to the cadre of Headmaster Grade-II and School Assistants on Adhoc basis – instructions

 Memo.No.ESE02-13021/7/2019-EST 3-CSE Date:29/11/2021

Sub: School Education – Permission to take up promotions up to the cadre of
Headmaster Grade-II and School Assistants on Adhoc basis – instructions
– Issued.

1. This office Memo.No.ESE02-13021/7/2019-E ST3-CSE,
2.This office Memo.No.ESE02-13021/7/2019-EST3-CSE, dt:22.10.2021

The attention of Regional Joint Director of School Education, Kadapa and
the District Educational Officer, Kadapa, Chittoor, Kurnool and Ananthapuram
are invited to the reference 2nd read above, wherein instructions were issued
keeping in view of the Model code of conduct regarding Bye elections in Badvel
constituency of Kadapa district, to complete all the ground work such as
Preparation of Seniority lists, calling for objections, disposal of objections etc.,
as per the schedule issued by this office Memo.dt:14.10.2021 and to conduct
promotion counselling and issue promotion orders to the concerned after the
completion of Model Code of Conduct in Badvel Constituency, Kadapa district

2] The State Election Commissioner, Vijayawada in order No.1776/SECB2/2021, dt:18.11.2021 has lifted the Model Code of conduct regarding the
conduct of Local body elections in the local body constituencies.

 3] Hence, the Regional Joint Director of School Education, Kadapa and the
District Educational Officer, Kadapa, Chittoor, Kurnool and Ananthapuram are
hereby instructed to take up Promotions up to the cadre of Headmaster Grade-II
within the management immediately as per the schedule mentioned below duly
following the instructions issued vide this Office Memo dated 14-10-2021. 

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4] Further all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and all the
District Educational Officers in the State are requested to take up promotions in
the available vacant Headmasters posts (including left over except Guntur district and where court cases are pending) / Schools Assistant posts (meant for
promotion) arisen due to promotions of Headmaster Grade-II/ relinquishment in
the previous promotion counselling/ left over posts where there are no court
cases/Municipal merging court cases in the said subjects as per the schedule
duly following the instructions issued by this Office Memo dated 14-10-
2021(including appeal mechanism).

1 Conducting of Promotion counseling for
HM-Gr.II : 11.12.2021 

Conducting of Promotion counseling for
School Assistant and equivalent cadres : 13.12.2021 to