Revision of Curriculum and Textbooks for class VIII – Deputation of teachers – list

 Rc.No.ESE02/763/2021-SCERT Date : 23/11/2021

Sub: School Education – SCERT, AP – Revision of Curriculum and Textbooks
for class VIII to be introduced from the Academic Year 2022–23 –
Workshops in different spells for different subjects to develop content
– Deputation of textbook writers – Orders issued–Reg

O R D E R 

All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District
Educational Officers in the state are aware that revision of curriculum and
development of VIII class textbooks is taken up by SCERT and syllabus
grids and themes are prepared. As a part of this program the content is
being developed.

2. In continuation of the previous workshop held from 10th – 18th
November, 2021 it is proposed to conduct different workshops in different
spells (annexure) for content development for the subjects concerned.

3. Therefore, all the District Educational Officers are requested to
relieve the individuals as per the list annexed with an instruction to report
to the Director, SCERT, AP on the before day of the commencement of
workshop by 09.00 am at SCERT, AP without fail.

4. TA, DA and Honorarium will be paid as per the norms of Samagra



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