Memo.No.14021/82/2021-EST 3-CSE Dt:-21/12/2021.

Sub:- AP SE Dept., – Permission to take up promotions up to the cadre of
Headmasters Gr.II – Objections raised by certain teachers in tentative
seniority list under Government sector – Clarification – Issued.


Lr.Rc.No. 3331/A2/2021, dated: 04.12.2021 of the RJDSE, Kadapa.

The attention of the Regional Joint Director of School Education, Kadapa
is invited to the reference cited and he is informed that as per AP State &
Subordinate Service Rules, 1996, inter seniority shall be decided as follows:- 

Direct Recruits: As per their ranking assigned by the APPSC or other
Selecting Authority as per Rule 36(i). 

Promotees: The dates from which they were placed on probation as per
Rule 36(ii). 

Promotees: When dates of commencement of probation are same, then
whoever is aged shall be the senior as per Rule 36(iii). 

Therefore, the Regional Joint Director of School Education, Kadapa is
requested to follow Rule 36 of APSSS Rules, 1996 while determining the inter
seniority for promotions. 

This has got the approval of the Commissioner of School Education, AP,


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