Implementation of 11th PRC- Revised Pay Scales, 2022 – Instructions on timely disbursal of salaries – orders issued

 Circular Memo No.1249673/11/755/2020/PC-TA/2022-3. Dated:26-01-2022

Sub: Public Services – Implementation of 11th PRC- Revised Pay Scales, 2022 – Instructions
on timely disbursal of salaries & in Revised Pay Scales, 2022 & all other categories of
employees, etc. – Issued

Ref: 1. G.O.Ms.No. 1, Finance (PC-TA) Department, dated 17-01-2022.
2. G.O.Ms.No. 2, Finance (HR.III-Pension,GPF) Department, dated 17-01-2022
3. G.O.Ms.No. 5, Finance (HR.I-Plg. & Policy) Department, dated 17-01-2022
4. G.O.Ms.No. 6, Finance (HR.I-Plg. & Policy) Department, dated 17-01-2022
5. G.O.Ms.No. 7, Finance (HR.I-Plg. & Policy) Department, dated 17-01-2022
6. G.O.Ms.No. 8, Finance (PC-TA) Department, dated 17-01-2022.
7. G.O.Ms.No. 9, Finance (HR.III-Pension,GPF) Department, dated 17-01-2022
8. Circular Memo No. 1249673/11/755/2020/PC-TA/2022, dated 19-01-2022
9. Circular Memo No. 1249673/11/755/2020/PC-TA/2022-1, dated 22-01-2022
10. Circular Memo No. 1249673/11/755/2020/PC-TA/2022-2, dated 25-01-2022 

The Government, vide the orders in the references 1st to 7th read above, have issued
orders for the implementation of Revised Pay Scales, 2022 for various categories of employees
and pensioners

2. The Finance Department, vide the Circular Memos in the references 8th to 10th read
above, has given comprehensive instructions to all Secretariat Departments, HODs, District
Collectors, DDOs, Treasury/PAO Officers, D.T.A. & P.A.O. enabling them to implement
disbursal of salaries and pensions, etc., in the Revised Pay Scales,2022 in terms of the orders
issued in the references 1st to 7th read above

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3. For disbursal of salaries & pensions for the month of January, 2022 in the Revised Pay
Scales, 2022 the salary of each employee in the Revised Pay Scales, 2022 is to be fixed by the
concerned DDO & approved by the concerned Treasury/ PAO Officer. The pay bills of all the
categories of the employees & pensioners has to be processed by the DDOs & approved by the
concerned Treasury/PAO Officer.

4. It is noted that progress of pay fixation by the DDOs/STOs in the Revised Pay Scales,
2022 & preparation of pay bills for month of January, 2022 is considerably behind the prescribed
timelines fixed in the references 8th to 10th read above. 

5. In view of the above, all the Special Chief Secretaries/ Principal Secretaries/Secretaries
of the Secretariat Departments/Heads of Department/District Collectors/Drawing &
Disbursing Officers/Treasury Officers are hereby directed to complete the entire process of
payment of salary/pensions/etc. for the month of January, 2022 as per the following timelines. 

(a) Fixation of the pay by the DDO/Treasury officer/PAO: by 27-01-2022. 

(b) Approval & Uploading of Salary bills by DDO/ Treasury /PAO Officers: by 28-01-2022. 

(c) Credit of Salaries, pensions, etc.- on 1-2-2022. 

  6. The Special Chief Secretaries/ Principal Secretaries/Secretaries of the Secretariat
Departments, Heads of Department & all the District Collectors shall ensure the timely
disbursal of the salary/ pensions/etc. for all the categories of employees/pensioners by the
concerned DDOs, as the above mentioned timelines/instructions


7. The Director of Treasuries & Accounts and the Pay and Accounts Officer, shall ensure
timely processing & disbursal of the salary/pensions/etc. for all categories of employees/
pensioners by the concerned Treasury Officer/PAO Officers, as per the above mentioned
timelines/ instructions

8. The competent authorities as per the CCA Rules, shall initiate appropriate disciplinary
action as per the CCA Rules against the concerned DDO/Treasury/PAO Officers in the event
of failure to adhere to the above mentioned timelines/ instructions.