Minutes of the video conference held regarding the implementation of RPS 2022

 Cir.Memo No.1249673/11/755/2020/PC-TA/2022-1, Dated:22.01.2022.

Sub : Public Services-Revision of Pay Scales 2022- Minutes of the video
conference held regarding the implementation of 11th PRC-Approved –
Instructions issued.

Ref : 1. G.O.Ms. No. 1, Finance (PC-TA) Department, dt. 17.01.2021.
2. G.O.Ms. No. 8, Finance (PC-TA) Department, dt. 17.01.2021.
3.Cir.Memo.No.1249673/11/755/2020/PC-TA/2022-1, Date19.01.2022.
4. Minutes of the video conference held regarding the implementation
of 11th PRC

A Virtual Conference was conducted by Special Chief Secretary to Government,
Finance Department at 9.30 A.M on 20-01-2022, with all the Deputy Directors of District
Treasuries, Assistant Treasury Officers, Sub-Treasury Officers, P.A.O, Ibrahimpatnam,
DTA & CEO, APCFSS, regarding the implementation of the 11th PRC in respect of
Government employees. The following officers are present:-

1. Sri Shamsher Singh Rawat, I.A.S, Special C.S. to Government 

2. Sri P. Ravi Subash, I.A.S, CEO, APCFSS. 

3. Sri N. Mohana Rao, DTA, AP. 

4. Smt. K.Padmaja, PAO, AP. 

5. Sri Sreenivas Naik Poojari, Joint Director, DTA 

6. All the Deputy Directors of District Treasuries/ATOs/STOs. 

2. The Director of Treasuries & Accounts in his inaugural remarks has made a powerpoint presentation on the salient features of the 11th P.R.C., the G.O’s issued and
procedural guidelines issued by the Government, as follows.

1. The January, 2022 salary bills shall be prepared duly fixing the pay as per
PRC 2022 only for the Government employees, wherever applicable. The
pay fixation has to made as per the Circular Memo No
1249673/11/755/2020/PC-TA/2022, dated 19-01-2022

2. A new module has been prepared by the APCFSS and deployed at
https://payroll.herb.apcfss.in for the above purpose exclusively & all the
DDO’s shall enter the life cycle of the employees working under their
control for the period from 1-07-2018 to 31-12-2021, duly verifying their
Service Registers.

3. After confirmation by the DDO with e-signature, the entire data will be
made available to the Treasury officer/PAO. 

4. In turn, the Treasury Officer/PAO, should verify the details with reference
to the details available in Service Register and should confirm with esignature. 

5. Once the Treasury Officer/PAO confirms the data, an automatic pay
fixation statement will be generated by the system and will be available
in DDO login for preparation of bills. 

6. After this, a normal procedure of bill generation will take place at DDO
level, where, the DDO is suppose to upload the HRA details along with
deductions, etc.,

 7. It was also clarified that until further orders the special pay and
allowances attached to that post in old scales (RPS 2015) should be paid
to the individual. 

8. The bills of the employees who are not covered under 11th PRC shall be
also processed in https://payroll.herb.apcfss.in as per the norms
applicable to them. 

9. After the completion of the pay fixation and the generation of the pay bill
for January, 2022 the action has to be taken for the pay fixation entry in
the S.R. entry & the generation of the arrear statement, as per the
instructions issued in the circular memo. 

3. The Special C.S. to Government has informed that the Virtual Conference is
organized to clarify doubts, if any, regarding the procedure for pay fixation as per the
11th PRC & to also ensure that all the Government employees receive the salary for
January 2022, as per the enhancement made by the 11th PRC, in time. He is further
stated that it is the primary responsibility of the Finance Department & all the officers
and staff of the Treasuries Department & the staff of the PAO office to ensure that the
salaries are paid in time.

Flash...   D.El.Ed. Colleges kept in abeyance in DEECET-2020

4. In view of the discussions held in the above meeting, Government direct the
Director of Treasuries and Accounts to ensure the completion of the above task in time
& accordingly issue the following instructions for compliance as per the timelines.

i. The Deputy Director should hold video conference with all the STO’s after
the completion of the virtual conference and reiterate the guidelines. 

ii. Subsequently, the STOs should hold VC/ physical meeting with all the
DDOs & explain the pay fixation procedure. 

iii. The DDOs should take all the steps to complete the pay fixation data entry
within two days.

 iv. The STOs should complete the verification process concurrently and
ensure that the entire process is completed by 22-1-2022. 

v. The STO’s should update the progress everyday to the Deputy Director by
11.00 A.M, the DTA should have a video conference with all the DD’s and
update the progress to the Special Chief Secretary, by 12.00 noon daily. 

vi. The CEO, APCFSS should provide all technical support, whereas the DTA
must give all domain support. 

vii. The CEO, APCFSS should provide a dash board to the DTA, DD, and STO,
DDO wise. 

viii. The Treasury Officers should follow all the Government instructions in this
regard scrupulously. 

ix. Any technical/Domain issue in this regard shall be escalated to the DTA. 

x. Similar procedure need to be followed by the PAO with reference to HOD
and Secretariat offices. 

xi. From 25th January 2022, the Payroll will be available to all the DDOs for
all employees including other RPS 2015 employees for processing of
salaries in DDOs login. The same may be filled following regular procedure
for submission of bills to treasury/PAO for payment of salaries. 

5. Government also hereby instruct all the officers to ensure that the action is taken
as per the instructions issued in Circular Memo No 1249673/11/755/2020/PC-TA/2022,
dated 19-01-2022, as per the timelines mentioned in the virtual conference & without
any deviation.

Flash...   ఈ నెలాఖరులోగా PRC పై నిర్ణయం ..PRC పై 18, 19 తేదీల్లో సమావేశం

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