Payments of Salaries in RPS 2022 – Instructions from pay and accounts

 Pay and Accounts  Office, AP, Ibrahimpatnam,  Vijayawada.

Cir Memo.No.PAO/Admn unit/20021-221135  Dated29.01.2022.

SUb.-    Pay and Accounts  Office,  AP,  Ibrahtmpatnam-Implementatation of  11it1PRC-RPS 2022-lnstructions  on timely disbursement  of  salaries &  in  RPS  2022  &  all  other categories of employee, etc- Issued-Regarding.


1) Circular Memo No.1249673/11nS5I2020/PC-TA/202  Dated:19-01-2022.

2) Cir.Memo NO.1249673/11nS5I2020JPC-TAl2022-1,      Dated:22.01.2022

3) Circular Memo NO.1249673/11nS5I2020/PC-    TAl2022-3    Dated 26-01-2022.


As  per  the  references   cited  above,  all  the  officer  and  staff  members   are hereby   instructed  to complete  the entire  process  of payment  of salary etc. for the month of January, 2022   in the RPS 2022 as per the following  timelines;

(a) Fixation of the pay in RPS 2022  by the DDO/PAO  by 29-01-2022.

(b) Approval  & Uploading  of Salary  bills in RPS 2022  by 000/ PAO Officers by 30-01-2022.

(c) Credit of Salaries  – on 1-2-2022.

Pay and .Accounts Officer


All the Officers/  Staff members

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Flash...   జగనన్న విద్యా కానుక - కిట్ల పంపిణీ కి HM లకు ,MEO లకు తాజా మార్గదర్శకాలు.. Rc.16021,Dt 14/8/2020