Procedural Instructions for fixation of Pay in RPS 2022 – Further Instructions

ఏపీలో కొత్త పీఆర్‌సీ ప్రకారమే వేతనాలు .. మరో మెమో జారీ

 AP PRC 2022 Pay Fixation Process for Govt Employees, Pensioners, Contract, Out-Sourcing Employees

Cir Memo No. 1249673/11/755/2020/PC-TA/2022-2, Dated: 25-01-2022

Sub: Public Services – Revision of pay, etc. in the Revised Pay Scales, 2022 – Procedural Instructions for fixation of Pay etc. in the Revised Pay Scales, 2022 – Further Instructions – Issued.


1. G.O.Ms.No. 1, Finance (PC-TA) Department, Dated 17-01-2022.

2. G.O.Ms.No. 2, Finance (HR.III-Pension,GPF) Department, Dated 17-01-2022

3. G.O.Ms.No. 5, Finance (HR.I-Plg. & Policy) Department, Dated 17-01-2022

4. G.O.Ms.No. 6, Finance (HR.I-Plg. & Policy) Department, Dated 17-01-2022

5. G.O.Ms.No. 7, Finance (HR.I-Plg & Policy) Department, Dated 17-01-2022

6. G.O.Ms.No. 8, Finance (PC-TA) Department, Dated 17-01-2022. 

7. G.O.Ms.No. 9, Finance (HR.III-Pension, GPF) Department, Dated 17-01-2022

8. Circular Memo No. 1249673/11/755/2020/PC-TA/2022, Dated 19-01-2022

9. Circular Memo No. 1249673/11/755/2020/PC-TA/2022-1, Dated 22-01-2022

In continuation of the orders issued in the references cited, Government hereby direct all the Secretariat Department/HoDs/Director of Treasuries & Accounts/ Pay & Accounts Officer /DDOs to take action strictly as per the following and as per the prescribed timelines. 

(a) Government Employees: The salary for the month of January, 2022 payable in February, 2022 shall be drawn in the RPS, 2022 for the eligible employees as per the orders issued in the references 1, 8th and 9th read above by the concerned DDOS.

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Pensioners/Family Pensioners: The Revised Consolidated Pension/Family Pension shall be processed as per the orders issued in 2nd and 7 cited. The Revised Consolidated Pension and the benefits mentioned in the G.O. 2nd cited shall be drawn for the month of January 2022 payable in February 2022 by the concerned DDOS.

Contractual employees working in Government Departments, Universities, Societies, KGBV & Model Schools: The renumeration in the revised Minimum of Time Scale (MTS). shall be processed as per the orders issued in the reference 3 read above & shall be drawn. for the month of Jahuaury,2022, payable in February,2022 by the concerned DDOS.

Full time/NMR/Daily wages/Consolidated/Part-time/Masalchies appointed before the cut off date i.e., 25-11-1993: The renumeration in the revised Minimum of Time Scale (MTS) shall be processed as per the orders issued the reference 4th read above & shall be drawn for the month of January, 2022, payable in February, 2022 by the concerned DDOS.

Outsourcing employees working in Government Departments: The revised renumeration shall be processed as per the orders issued in the reference 5th read above & shall be drawn for the month of January, 2022, payable in February,2022 by the concerned DDOS.

It is hereby informed that the salary bills for all the above categories of employees shall be processed as follows:

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(a) For the Government employees at (a): The Pay Bill from January onwards shall be generated in the as per instructions in references 8th 9th cited above. Further, the generated pay bill shall be processed as per the existing process.

(b) For all the other category of employees at (b), (c) (d) & (e): the existing process in, shall be followed with the revised pay scales as notified in PRC GOs cited above.

All the Drawing and Disbursing Officers/Treasury Officers in the State/DTA/PAO are directed to follow the above instructions scrupulously & without any deviation.

The Secretariat Departments HoDs shall ensure that action is taken by all the Drawing and Disbursing Officers/Treasury Officers strictly as per the procedure mentioned in this Circular Memo & within the prescribed timelines.

For any further clarifications, the office of DTA /PAO may be contacted