CBSE Affiliation Phase – 1 List of Govt. / ZP 396 schools

 Memo.No.25/A&I/2021 Dt:20/02/2022

Sub: School Education Department – CBSE Affiliation to all Government Schools
in the State of Andhra Pradesh in a phased manner – List of Govt. / ZP 396
schools communicated – Verify the details as per CBSE norms – Request –

Ref: 1) Discussions held on 26.03.2021 with the Chairman, CBSE, New
2)Council of Ministers, GoAP meeting held on 04.05.2021 at A.P
Secretariat, Velagapudi.
3) This ofce Lr.Rc.No.25/A&I/2021, Dated:21.05.2021 to the
Chairman, CBSE, New Delhi along with the draft MoU.
4) F.No.CBSE/Afliation Unit/2021, Dated:03.09.2021 of the
Secretary, CBSE, New Delhi.
5) This ofce, Dated:28-09-2021 to the
6) Govt.Memo.No. 1407945/Prog.I/A1/2021,  Dated:04.10.2021 from
the School Education (Prog.I) Dept., GoAP.
7) Minutes of the meeting held on 15-2-2022 with all line

 CBSE Affiliation to All AP Schools – ఉండవలసిన ప్రమాణాలు 

  • ఎనిమిది వేల చదరపు మీటర్ల ఖాళీ స్థలం ఉండాలి 
  • ఒకవేళ ఎనిమిది వేల చదరపు మీటర్ల ఖాళీస్థలం లేనిచో ఆరువేల మీటర్ల స్క్వేర్ మీటర్ల స్థలం ఉన్నా అఫిలియేషన్ ఇవ్వవచ్చు.
  • 15 లక్షల కంటే ఎక్కువ జనాభా ఉన్న మున్సిపల్ ప్రాంతాల్లో నాలుగు వేల స్క్వేర్ మీటర్ల ఖాళీ స్థలం ఉండాలి. 
  • ఖాళీ స్థలం మొత్తం పాఠశాల పేరు మీద లేదా సొసైటీ పేరు మీద కచ్చితంగా రిజిస్టర్ అయి ఉండాలి.
  • పాఠశాలకు తగిన తరగతి గదులు, లేబరేటరీ, గ్రంథాలయం, మరుగుదొడ్లు మరియు మిగిలిన అన్ని వసతులు పాఠశాలకు ఉండాలి

The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education
and District Educational Ofcers in the State is invited to the references
cited, wherein they are informed that it was decided to afliate all Govt. /
Z.P. / Residential and Welfare High Schools to CBSE in a phased manner.
Accordingly, the School Education Department has proposed 1092 high
schools consisting of KGBVs/APMS/ Residential Schools run by Welfare
Departments / Municipal Schools/ Local Bodies and State Govt. for the year
2022-23 and take necessary steps for afliation of eligible schools to CBSE through School Afliation Re-Engineered Automation System (SARAS) of
CBSE http;//

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The following are the requirements for CBSE afliation:

1. The school afliated or seeking afliation with the Board shall have a
minimum of 8000 sq metres of land in general subject to the
restriction of optimum enrolment and no of sections given in

2. The school not fulflling the minimum requirement of 8000 sq/
metres but having land not less than 6000 sq. metres may be
granted afliation, subject to the restriction of optimum enrolment
and no. of sections in Appendix-V. 

3. The land requirement will be of minimum 4000 sq. metres in case of
the school located in limits of Municipal Authorities of cities with a
population of exceeding 15 lakhs, subject to the restriction of
optimum enrolment and no. of sections in Appendix-V. 

4. Land Ownership – all the land title documents should be in the name
of school or society / Trust/ Company which has established the

5. The required no. of classrooms, Laboratories and Libraries etc., 

The lists of 396 high schools / district-wise high schools of Govt and Z.P.
Managements are herewith enclosed.

They are therefore requested to visit each Govt. / Z.P. high schools in
the above lists provided to them and verify the land and infrastructure
facilities as per CBSE norms and keeping in view of the instructions issued
in the WebEx meeting held with all RJDSEs/DEOs on 16-02-2022 and
submit their school wise remarks whether recommended or not, on or
before 22-02-2022, so as to take further necessary action in the matter.

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