RC.No.ESE02/983/2021-SCERT Dated:03/03/2022

Sub: School Education – SCERT, A.P. – Formative Assessment-3 for the
academic year 2021-22 – Certain guidelines – Issued.
Ref: Academic Calendar for 2021-22


The attention of the all the Regional Joint Directors of School
Education and all the District Educational Ofcers in the state is invited
to the references cited above and informed that Formative Assessment3 for classes 1 to 10 will be conducted as per the below schedule.

Further, all the District Educational Ofcers are aware that the
academic year 2021-22 was started from 16th August 2021 and the
syllabus has been reduced accordingly. Keeping in view of the working
days and coverage of syllabus so far, the Formative Assessment 4 is here
by cancelled for the academic year 2021-22 only. The weightage for
Formative Assessments if any will be calculated for three Formative Assessments only. Pre fnal Exams for class X will be conducted from 4th
April 2022. Summative Assessment II for classes 1st to 9th will be
conducted from 22nd April 2022 onwards (Tentative).

SoPs and COVID Protocol should be followed scrupulously during
conduct of examinations. Remedial teaching shall be planned for
identifed slow learners based on the performance in FA3 and shall
ensure their seamless transition to the next level of learning.

Flash...   Distribution of Rice to all eligible students for September and October-2020 - Certain instructions issued

Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and
all the District Educational Ofcers in the state are requested to ensure
the Formative Assessment 3 is conducted as per the guidelines and time
frame as suggested above and to ensure the 100% student marks entry
in the school education portal within in the stipulated time without fail .

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