Nadu-Nedu, Phase-II – Clarification on queries received from field level officials

 Nadu-Nedu, Phase-II – Clarification on queries received from field level officials

Circular. No.1701852 /MBNN/2022, Dated.27/04/2022

Sub : – Mana Badi Nadu-Nedu, Phase-II – Clarification on queries received
from field level officials – Reg

Read:- GO.Ms. No.15,dated 23-03-2022 of the School Education (Progs-II)

Government vide GO read above have accorded administrative sanction for
implementation of Mana Badi Nadu Nedu Phase-II for improving the
infrastructural facilities in 13,981 Schools (High School and Primary Schools)
with a total Budget outlay of Rs.4535.73 Crores.

An amount of Rs. 5 lakhs is proposed for Co-located anganwadi centres for
taking up essential repairs and purchase of furniture and other items.

The following queries were raised from field level while generating the

1. Aanganwadi centres Rs. 5.00 Lakhs –
If repairs are not taken up in Phase-I then Nadu Nedu components can be
taken up (co-located Anganwadi centres) 

2. Anganwadi centres – Rs.2.5 Lakhs
For co-located Anganwadi Centres – Play Ground equipment & other
furniture items indicated in Annexure to be purchased. 

3. No repairs or furniture to be taken up/ Purchased for Anganwadi Centres,
located outside the school premises. 

4. In Co-located Anganwadis the following repairs (upto a maximum of 5
lakhs ) can be taken up – building repairs , shishu desks , Electrical repairs
& other furniture items indicated in the Annexure. 

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5. Parent Committee should Co-opt a Anganwadi Centre member in the
Parent Committee.

In view of the above, all the field level officials shall follow the above
guidelines while implementation of the Program.