Rc. No. 24/A&1/2022 
Dated: 23/04/2022

Sub: School Education School Academic Calendar 2021 – 22 – Functioning of Schools during the academic year 2021-22 Declaring summer vacation during the year 2021-22 Certain Instructions – Issued.


1.Govt.MemoNo.ESE01-SEDNOCSE/784/2021-PROG-II, Dt 14.08.2021. 

2. This office Memo No.151/A&I/2021, dt.14.08.2021 (Reopening of the schools instructions)

3. School Academic Calendar 2021-22. 4. Govt.Memo No.ESE01-SEDNOCSE/784/2021, dt.07.12.2021.

5. This office Memo No.151/A&I/2020, dt.05.03.2022.

6. Lr Rc. No. Spl/DGE/2022-1. dated: 4-4-2022 of the Director, Govt. Examinations, A.P., Vijayawada

7. Lr. Rc. No. APOSS-14022/2/2022-Exam/Inter-APOSS, dt: 6-4-2022 of the Director, A.P.Open School Society, Guntur

 In the ref. 6th read above, instructions were issued, to conduct the Summative Assessment-II Examinations for classes I to IX during the period from 22.04.2022 to 04.05.2022, and the answer sheets shall be evaluated, and the marks shall be disseminated to students soon after completion of the examination. Further, the baseline assessment in respect of English language and vocabulary is proposed on 5th May 2022. Therefore it is decided to run schools for the students up to 05th May 2022 duly declaring the summer vacation to the students only from 06th May 2022.

Further, it is informed that some of teachers are drafted for SSC Public Examinations / AP Open School / Intermediate Examinations, and some teachers are engaged with the evaluation of SA 2 answer scripts, posting of marks online, preparation of promotion lists etc..

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In view of the above circumstances, it is decided to run the schools under all managements up to 20th May 2022 for the teachers to take up. the following activities viz. (i) to evaluate the answer scripts of the SA-II Examinations, (il) to upload the marks in online, (iii) to prepare promotion lists, (iv) to take admissions of the students for the next Academic year 2022-23 (v) to look after the Nadu Nedu works and to attend other works assigned by the government time to time. After availing of 6 weeks of long vacation (summer vacation) as per the Rule 134 A.P. Educational Rules 1966, the schools will be re-opened on 4th July 2022 under all managements for the Academic year 2022-23.

Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State are requested to take necessary action accordingly.

These instructions should be followed scrupulously.