PRC GO: G.O.MS.No.106 PENSIONS Revised Pay Scales 2022- Adjustment of Interim Relief

 PENSIONS Revised Pay Scales 2022- Adjustment of Interim Relief-Further orders- Issued.

G.O.MS.No.106 Dated:11-05-2022 

Read the following:

1. G.O.Ms.No.02, Finance (HR.III-Pension, GPF) Dept., dt:17.01.2022. 2. G.O.Rt.No.127, General Administration (Cabinet.l) Dept, dt:24.01.2022.


Government have issued comprehensive orders on implementation of 11th PRC Revised Pay Scales, 2022 vide G.O. 1″ read above. Payment of arrears have been ordered at para 19 of the same.

2. The Committee constituted by the Government vide G.O. 2nd read above, after deliberations with Employees’ Associations, recommended that there would not be any recovery of Interim Relief paid during 01.07.2019 and 31.03.2020 from the pension of service pensioner/family pensioner.

3. Government after careful consideration of the entire matter and keeping in view of the welfare of the retired employees / pensioners, have decided to dispense with recovery of Interim Relief paid for the period from 01.07.2019 to 31.03.2020.

4. Accordingly, Government hereby orders to revise the para 19 of the the reference 1 read above and orders as follows:

4.1 Arrears on account of consolidation of pension/family pension shall be calculated duly preparing a due-drawn statement from April 2020 to December 2021 and shall be paid along with DR arrears for the period from July 2019 to December 2021 after adjusting the total interim relief paid from April 2020 to December 2021. The Interim Relief paid from 01.07.2019 to 31.03.2020 shall not be recovered.

4.2 The arrears payable after adjusting the interim relief shall be paid in four equal quarterly instalments starting from 1st January, 2023. 4.3 If any pensioner/family pensioner has drawn more Interim Relief than the revised consolidated pension and DR arrears combined, the same shall be adjusted from his/her future DR Arrears. These orders shall come into force w.e.f. 01.01.202


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