promotions to the teachers who are identified in excess ratio of 30% under 610

 Memo.No.ESE02-13/2/2019-EST 3-CSE, Dated:17/05/2022

Sub: School Education – Request for issue of promotions to the teachers who are identified in excess ratio of 30% under 610 – Copy Communicated –Reg.

Ref: Govt.Memo. No. 315390/Services.II/A.1/2017, Dated: 04.05.2022

All the District Educational Officers and Regional Joint Directors in the State are hereby informed that, Govt. in the reference cited, have issued orders that, permitting the non-local teachers to stay in the working district on par with the teachers those who are continuing in the Residuary State of Andra Pradesh even though they belong to other State in pursuance of the 3rd proviso to Section 77 (2) of A.P.Reorganisation Act, 2014, is not feasible for consideration, since the non-local teachers working in the other districts in the State Government do not come under the A.P.Re-organisation Act, 2014 as per the 3rd proviso to Section 77 

(2). A copy of the Govt. Memo. is herewith communicated  

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