S.S.C Public Examinations April / May 2022 – Certain Instructions

 Rc No.24 /A&I/2022 Date:01/05/2022

Sub:- School Education – S.S.C Public Examinations – April / May 2022 –
Certain Instructions – Issued – Regarding

Read:- 1. This Office Pro.Rc.No. 24/A&I/2022 , Dated. 2R-04-2022
2. A.P. Public Examinations (Prevention of Malpractices and
unfair means) Act 25/1997
R. Rc.No.101/B-1/2022, Dated.1R-04-2022 of the Director, Govt.
Examinations, A.P., Vijayawada
4. This Office Circular No. CSE/SSC-2022-1, Dated.2–04-2022

The attention of all the District Educational Officers in the State is
invited to the references read above, and they are informed that,
instructions have been issued in the reference 1st read above regarding
the duties to be performed by the teachers, duly instructing not to take
any kind of leave during the period , except medical leaves. Further, the
Director, Government Examinations in the reference Rrd read above, has
issued elaborate instructions detailing the roles and responsibilities of Staff/ Invigilators/Departmental Officers/ Chief Superintendents/ Mandal
Educational Officers / and the District Educational Officers all concerned
with regard to conduct of SSC Public Examinations from 27-04-2022 to 09-
05-2022 in a free and fair manner. Specific instructions are also issued not
to carry Mobile Phones by any person except the Chief Superintendent and
not to allow any unauthorized persons in the examination premises etc.,
Further instructions were issued in the reference 4th read above.

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Despite clear instructions in this regard, it is brought to the notice of
the undersigned that certain incidents of (i) unauthorized presence of
teachers, who are not on examination duty in the examination centers, (ii)
invigilators and other persons drafted for exam duty carrying Mobile
Phones (iii) taking photographs of the Question Paper and forwarding it to
others (iv) deployment of students and other outsiders for works like
supply of water etc, (v) attempts to leak the Question papers etc, by
vested interests operating individually / Collectively by unfair means, (vi) circulating the question papers allegedly received in the whatsapp groups.
These kind of unlawful activities will not be tolerated and stringent action
should be taken against any person indulging in such activities.

Teaching is a noble profession and the teachers are expected to be
role models in the Society, This kind of shameful acts by certain teachers
bringing disrepute not only to the teaching community but also to the
department and the whole state. This will also adversely affect the moral
of majority of students who have studied hard despite all adversities like
COVID-19 pandemic. 

While clear directions are issued to the concerned DEOs to take
necessary criminal and departmental actions against the teachers
involved in the incidents reported in Nandyal, Chittoor and Sri Satyasai
Districts and prompt action is taken by the district administration, the
following further instructions are issued;

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All the District Educational Officers are informed that, the
Government have enacted the A.P. Public Examinations (Prevention of
Malpractices and unfair means) Act 25/1997. As per the provisions of the

(A) “ unauthorized help from any person in any manner /
written / recorded/printed/ reproduced from whatsoever and use of
any telephonic, wireless or electronic or any instrument/gadget,
procure or possess such question paper is prohibited.”

(B) (i) No person who is not lawfully authorized or permitted
shall enter into the examination Centre, (ii) No person who is
entrusted with work pertaining to the examination, except where
he/she is permitted , directly or indirectly divulge or cause to be
divulged the information by virtue of work so entrusted,(iii) No
person directly or indirectly involve in manipulation /attempted
manipulation in performing the duties.(iv) No person connected with
the educational institution shall offer or promise any guarantee
performance /success in examinations as inducement for admission  to such institution.  

(C ) Whoever contravenes or attempts or abets the
contravention of the provisions of the Act shall be punishable with
imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than three
years but which may extend up to seven years and fne
which shall not be less than rupees Five thousand , but
which may extend up to rupees One lakh

Therefore, all the District Educational Officers are requested to issue
strict instructions to all the Departmental Officers , Mandal Educational Officers, Chief Superintendents , Invigilators to be vigilant and strictly
adhere to the instructions issued from time to time. Whenever any
violation / deviation of the provisions of the Act / instructions by any
individual / individuals are noticed, immediately initiate action as per the
provisions of the Act and as per A.P.C.S.(CCA) Rules 1991 and report

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