SALT Project – Monitoring and reporting – Nomination of Members – Notification

 Memo No.SS-15021/8/2022-SAMO-SSA, dt.19/05/2022

Sub:APSS- Establishment of Sustainable School Units(SSU) to manage Environmental and Social aspects of the World Bank supported SALT Project and to ensure monitoring and reporting – Nomination of Members – Notification- Communicated for necessary action –Reg. 

Ref:Memo. No.ESE01-SEDN0CSE/65/2022, S.E(Prog.II) Dept. dt.03.05.2022

Attention is invited to the reference read above, in which the Govt.of
Andhra Pradesh has notified certain members as nodal officers for
Sustainable School Units(SSU) at different levels of the State to manage
Environmental and Social aspects of the World Bank supported SALT
Project and to ensure monitoring and reporting of activities under taken. A
copy of the Govt., Memo(Memo.No.ESE01-SEDN0CSE/65/2022, S.E(Prog.II)
Dept. dt.03.05.2022) is herewith enclosed and communicated to all the
District Educational Ofcers& Ex-Ofcio Project Coordinators and
Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State.

  Hence they are requested to disseminate the said Govt.Memo to all
the nominated personnel of their respective District, Mandal, School, and
Village levels so as to explain their role with directions and the activities
which are to be proposed must be relevant and local specific.

Members nominations

 Duties of members



An Environmental and Social Systems Assessment (ESSA) was conducted by the World Bank E&S team for the proposed SALT (P173978) program supported by a Program-for-Results (PforR) financing instrument of the World Bank. Following the requirements of the World Bank PforR Policy, these rely on country-level systems for the management of environmental and social effects.

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ESSA has been prepared to programs environmental and social effects (ii) asses the legal and policy framework for environmental and social management, including a review of relevant legislation, rules, procedures, and institutional responsibilities that are being used by the Program; (iii) assess the capacity to implement requirements under the system; and (iv) recommended specific action to gaps in the program’s system and implementation  capacity. Through this process, the ESSA Team environmental and social management systems are consistent with six-core environmental and social principles (hereafter Core Principles) contained in the PforR Policy and corresponding Key Planning Elements. 

This ESSA Report is organized into seven Chapters providing an Introduction to the Program, Purpose, Objectives of ESSA, Description of Environmental and Social Characteristics of the Program Region, Potential Environmental and Social Effects (Result Area Wise), Assessment of Environmental and Social Management Systems and Implementation Capacity based on PforR Policy of the Bank and its Core Principles; Environmental and Social Inputs to the Program Action Plan, and Details on Consultation and Disclosure.