SSC Public Exams 2022 Centers as No Phone Zones including the CS – Latest Instructions issued

 SSC Public Examinations, 2022 Centers as No Phone Zones including the Chief Superintendents shall not bring Mobile Phones to the Examination Centers.

Rc.No. CSE/SSC-2022-2 Dated: 03-05-2022


As per the instructions of the Special Chief Secretary to Government, School Education Department, A.P., during the Video Conference meeting held on 02-05-2022 AN and in continuation with the earlier instructions issued regarding the conduction of the SSC Public Examinations, 2022, all the District Educational Officers in the state are hereby instructed to enforce the following instructions for the peaceful and successful conduction of the SSC public examinations:

1.All the examination centers shall be declared as “No Phone Zones”. All the invigilators, departmental officers, other non-teaching and other departmental staff on examination duty such as ANMs, Police personnel including the Chief Superintendents shall not bring Mobile Phones to the Examination Centers.

2.No other electronic device such as Smart watches, Digital Watches, Cameras, Bluetooth devices, earphones, ear pods, tablets, laptops, fitness trackers, etc. shall be permitted in the examination centre both by the staff and by the candidates. There shall be strict enforcement of this rule and any phone or other electronic device found in the premises of the examination centre both with the staff or candidates shall be immediately confiscated and the same shall be recorded.

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3.All the District Educational Officers shall undertake the task of “Jumbling the Invigilators” once for the remaining examinations. It shall be ensured that the invigilators shall not be appointed in the centres in which the students from his/her parent school are appearing for the examinations. (If jumbling is already done, this may be ignored).

4.All the remaining question papers of the examination centre shall be sealed by the Concerned Chief Superintendent with paper seal duly signed by the DO and 2 Invigilators and the same shall be recorded.

5.All the Invigilators shall be instructed to direct the candidates to write his/her Roll Number and the examination Centre Number on all the pages of the “Question Paper” immediately after distributing the question paper in the examination hall. The invigilators shall check the question papers of all the students to ensure that the roll number and centre number is written on all the pages of the question paper before the commencement of the examination without fail.

6.The number of Flying Squads may be increased, if necessary, with senior officers of the revenue, police and other line departments, as desired by the District Collectors & District Magistrates

7/There shall be strict enforcement of the A.P. Public Examinations (Prevention of Malpractices and Unfair Means) Act, 1997 (Act 25 of 1997) on all the persons who are involved in the malpractices, if any, and the District Educational Officers shall provide wide publicity regarding the stringent provisions of the Act which will act as deterrent in reducing the malpractices.

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The District Collectors, District Superintendent’s of Police, Director of Government Examinations and the District Educational Officers in the state shall give wide publicity to the instructions and shall ensure the implementation for peaceful and successful conduction of the examinations.