Academic Calendars for 2022-23 . For Foundation / High Schools

Academic Calendars for both Foundation and High schools for Academic Year 2022-23 released by School Education Department . Time Tables and Class wise Weightage for Primary and Secondary schools , Month wise syllabus and Working days details  and all other Curricular and Non curricular activities calendars released . Exam schedule and list of Holidays also displayed in this Calendar . School Academic Calendars for 2022-23 | Department of School Education official Academic Calendars released and all Schools must follow this Calendar without fail. 

# Download Academic Calendars 2022-23 

Anandavedika – mind fullness programme is designed to develop individual students with joyfulness, confident and values. The following values are to be developed among students.

1. Love and compassion 2. Respect 3. Faithfulness 4. Obedience 5. Empathy 6. Appreciation 7. Unity 8. Truth 9. Acceptance

Four Stories for developed to inculcate the above nine values among students. Teacher has to narrate these stories and elicit responses from the students

Implementation : 

1. Anandavedika progamme will be conducted for 30 minutes in the first period. 2. The teacher who is allotted for first period is held responsible for conduct of anandavedika class. 3. The last 2 periods of first Saturday by month whole school level anandavedika will be conducted bi – monthly

Flash...   SALT Project - Monitoring and reporting – Nomination of Members – Notification

Action plan : Monday – Mind fullness Activity Thursday, Wednesday – Story Time Thursday , Friday – Activity Time . Saturday – Responses.


Teacher Dairy, annual plan:

Month Wise working Days 2022-23

Subject Weightage for Classes 1-5