AP Intermediate Admission Schedule 2022-23

Re. No.109/EJ/2022-23, Date: 18 -06-2022

 A.P. Admission Schedule for the academic year 2022-23 issued by Board of Intermediate Education, Tadepalli, Guntur Dist., A.P., – Certain Instructions to the Principals of Government / Private aided / Private un-aided / Co-operative / Residential / Social welfare / Tribal Welfare / Incentive / A.P. Model Jr. Colleges in the state -Communicated-Reg.

  • జూన్ 20 నుంచి దరఖాస్తులు మొదలు
  • జూన్ 27 నుంచి జులై 20 తేదీ వరకు అడ్మిషన్లు
  • జులై 1 తేదీ నుంచి తరగతులు

Admission Schedule for the academic year 2022-23 issued by Board of Intermediate Education, Tadepalli, Guntur Dist., A.P., – Certain Instructions to the Principals of Government / Private aided / Private un-aided / Co-operative / Residential / Social welfare / Tribal Welfare / Incentive / A.P. Model Jr. Colleges in the state -Communicated-Reg  Press Release of BIE, A.P., Dated: 18-06-2022.

All the Principals of the Government / Private Aided / Private Unaided / Co-operative / AP. Residential / Social Welfare Residential / Tribal Welfare Residential / Incentive / A.P. Model Junior Colleges and Composite Degree Colleges offering two year Intermediate course in General & Vocational streams are requested to take special care in enrolment of students for the academic year 2022-23 by making admissions in two phases. The first phase of admission schedule is given below.

Intermediate Admissions 2022-23 First Phase Schedule

Sale of
application forms


Last date
for receipt of application in the college


Date of
commencement of admissions in the first phase


Date of
completion of admissions in the first phase


Date of
Commencement of Classes first year


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The schedule of second phase of admissions will be communicated in due course. The classes for first & second year Intermediate course will commence from 01-07-2022. The principals can make provisional admissions on the basis of Internet marks memos. The provisional admissions made will be confirmed alter the production of original SSC pass certificate and Transfer Certificate issued by the school authorities, where they last studied.



Seats to
be reserved









(A-7%, B-10%, C-1%,
D-7% & E-4%)





Sports & Extra curricular activities



men    &    defense    
residing in the State



Weaker Sections ( EWS)


33.33% or 1/3rd of total seats have to be reserved for girls category wise where there are no separate colleges for them.

2) Admissions should be made based on marks /grade point (GP) obtained in the qualifying examination as per the enclosed guidelines. They should not conduct any test for admission. Stringent action will be taken against the junior colleges making admissions on any other basis.

3) The Principals of unaided junior colleges are hereby directed that they should make admissions only up to the sanctioned sections and up to the ceiling strength of 88 in each section. In respect of Vocational , Paramedical courses celling strength is 30 per section and Non-Paramedical courses is 40 per section only. They are further directed not to make admissions in the combinations dropped by the Board. The admission into additional sections should be made only after the permission is issued by the Board. Violation, if any, will be liable for action including levying of penalty and disaffiliation of the college.

4) During the period of admissions the managements are requested to display prominently at the entrance of the building the number of sections sanctioned by the Board of Intermediate Education for the academic year 2022-23 the number of seats filled up in each section and the number of seats vacant in each section. This information should be updated on a daily basis.

5) All the Principals of unaided junior colleges are instructed not to resort to issue of advertisements with inducements amounting to violation of Rule 7 of Andhra Pradesh Public Examinations (Prevention of Malpractice & Unfair means) Rules 1997 issued in G.O.Ms.No.114, dated 13-05-1997. Any violation noticed will be dealt under law.

6) All the Principals are instructed to incorporate Mother’s name in addition to Father’s Name in respect of joining children as it is in the records of qualifying examination.

7) All the Principals are instructed to take measures to ensure security to girl students.
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