Departmental Tests May 2022 Exam Dates – PAPER WISE

(Notification No.05/2022)


G.O Test
పేపర్ కోడ్ – 88 : 22.06.2022 (ఉ.10 నుంచి మ.12 వరకు)

 పేపర్ కోడ్ – 97 :  22.06.2022 ( మ.3 నుంచి సా.5 వరకు)

 E.O Test
పేపర్ కోడ్ – 141 : 23.06.2022 (ఉ.10 నుంచి మ.12 వరకు)

పేపర్ కోడ్ – 37 : 23.06.2022 (మ.3 నుంచి సా.6 వరకు)

It is hereby informed that the Departmental Tests May 2022
Session (Notification No.05/2022) are scheduled to be held from
20.06.2022 to 25.06.2022 at all district centers of Andhra Pradesh.
A total of 55,036 candidates have applied for the Departmental
tests. The detailed Time Table is available on the Commission’s

20/06/2022 (FORE NOON) 10.00 AM to 12.00 Noon: 08 The Accounts Test for Subordinate Officers, PartI (WITH BOOKS)

20/06/2022 (AFTER NOON) 3.00 PM to 5.00 PM

1. Subordinate Accounts Service Examination, PaperI (WITHBOOKS)
2. Deputy Inspector’s Test, First Paper (WITHBOOKS)

3. Excise Department Test, TestA, Civil and Criminal law (WITHBOOKS)

10. Accounts Test for Subordinate Officers, PartII (WITH BOOKS)

26. Departmental Test for Officers of the Forest Department, Forest Law Second Paper


31. Treasuries & Accounts Service Examination, PartI, PaperI (WITH BOOKS)

33. Jail Department Test, PaperI (WITH BOOKS)

39. Fire Service Department Test, PartII (WITH BOOKS)

45. The Civil Judicial Test, PartI (WITH BOOKS)

50. Departmental Test for Officers of the Andhra Pradesh Agriculture Service (WITHBOOKS)

51.Animal Husbandry Department Test (WITHBOOKS)

55. Port departmental test, Higher Grade (WITH BOOKS)

60. Departmental Test for the Employees of Andhra Pradesh
Government Life Insurance Department, First Paper (WITH

149. Departmental test for the Gazetted and non Gazetted staff of the A.P. public service
commission(WITH BOOKS)


21/06/2022 (FORE NOON) 10.00 AM to 12.00 Noon

9. Subordinate Accounts Service Examination, PaperII (WITH BOOKS)
12.Deputy Inspector’s Test, Second Paper (WITHBOOKS)

Flash...   Update AP Teachers Profile in New TIS EMS website

13.Excise Department Test, TestB , Acts and Rules (WITHBOOKS)

14.Accounts Test for Public Works Workshop Officers, PaperI (WITHBOOKS)
44. Departmental Test for A.P Works Accounts Service, PartI, PaperI (WITH BOOKS)

46. Treasuries & Accounts Service Examination, PartII, PaperI (WITH BOOKS

48. Jail Department Test, PaperII (WITH BOOKS)

52. Registration Department Test, GroupI, PaperI (WITH BOOKS)

61. Departmental Test for Officers of the Forest Department, Land Revenue SecondPaper
68. Departmental Test for Employees of the Andhra Pradesh Government Life
Insurance Department, Second Paper (WITH BOOKS)

72. Port Department Test, Lower Grade (WITH BOOKS)

77. The Indian Evidence Act Test (WITH BOOKS)

106. Transport Department Test, PartI (WITH BOOKS)

131. Departmental Test for Government Press Officers (WITH BOOKS)

132. Departmental Test for Officers and Ministerial Staff of the Stationery, printing and stores Purchase Department. (WITH BOOKS)

152. Departmental Test for Technical Staff in the A.P Electrical Inspectorate Service (WITH BOOKS)

156. Juvenile Welfare Correctional Services Welfare of street Children Test, PartI, PaperI.

    21/06/2022 (AFTER NOON) 3.00 PM to 5.00 PM

4. Departmental Test for Clerks in the Police Department (WITH BOOKS)
20. Deputy Inspector’s Test, Third Paper (WITH BOOKS)

23. Subordinate Accounts Service Examination, PaperIII (WITH BOOKS)

29. Accounts Test for Public Works Workshop Officers, PaperII (WITH BOOKS)

35. Excise Department Test, TestC, Excise ManualSecond Paper (WITH BOOKS)

64. Treasuries & Accounts Service Examination, PartI, PaperII (WITH BOOKS)

66. Jail Department Test, PaperIII (WITH BOOKS)

70. Registration Department Test, GroupI, PaperII (WITH BOOKS)

78. Departmental Test for A.P. Works Accounts Service, PartI, PaperII (WITH BOOKS)

86. Departmental Test for the Officers of the Forest
Department, Office Procedure and Accounts Second
124. Transport Department Test, PartII (WITH BOOKS)

140. Departmental Test for Accountants A.P. Electrical Department (WITH BOOKS)

144. The Agriculture Department Test (WITH BOOKS)

147. The Civil Judicial Test, PartII, PaperII (WITH BOOKS)

157.Juvenile Welfare Correctional Services and Welfare of Street Children
Test, PartI, Paper II. (WITH BOOKS)

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22/06/2022 (FORE NOON) 10.00 AM to 12.00 Noon

18. The Revenue Test, PartI First Paper (WITH BOOKS)
34. Subordinate Accounts Service Examination, PaperIV (WITH BOOKS)

71. Excise Department Test, TestD, Distillery Manual Second Paper (WITH BOOKS)

79. Treasuries & Accounts Service Examination, PartII, PaperII (WITH BOOKS)

82.Jail Department Test, PaperIV (WITHBOOKS)

83.Registration Department Test, GroupII, PaperIII (WITHBOOKS)

88. Departmental Test for Gazetted Officers of the Education Department, First Paper


99. Departmental Test for A.P Works Accounts Service, PartII, PaperIII (WITH BOOKS)

107.Departmental Test for persons in Ministerial Service of the
Forest Department, PartI, PaperI (WITHBOOKS)

108. The Criminal Judicial Test, Second Paper (WITH BOOKS)

146. Accounts Test for the Employees of Local Bodies, PaperI. (WITH BOOKS)

151. Marketing Department Test (WITH BOOKS)

158. Juvenile Welfare Correctional Services and welfare of Street Children Test, PartII,PaperIII.

22/06/2022 (AFTER NOON) 3.00 PM to 5.00 PM

27. The Revenue Test, PartI, Second Paper (WITH BOOKS)
40.Labour Factories and Boilers Department Test, PartB (WITH BOOKS)

84. Local Fund Audit Department Test, First Paper (WITH BOOKS)

89. Treasuries & Accounts Service Examination, PartI, PaperIII (WITH BOOKS)
92.Departmental Test for Officers of the A.P. Commercial Taxes Subordinate
Service, First Paper (WITH BOOKS)

94. Registration Department Test, GroupIII, PaperIV (WITH BOOKS)

97. Departmental Test for Gazetted Officers of the Education Department, Second Paper


128. Departmental Test for A.P. Works Accounts Service, PartII, PaperIV (WITH

136. The Criminal Judicial Test, Fourth Paper (WITH BOOKS)

139.Departmental Test for Persons in Ministerial Service of the Forest
Department, PartII, PaperIII (WITH BOOKS)

148. Accounts Test for the Employees of Local Bodies, PaperII (WITH BOOKS)

159.Juvenile Welfare Correctional services and Welfare of Street
Children Test, PartIII, PaperIV. (WITH BOOKS)

Flash...   ఏపీలో టీచర్ ట్రైనింగ్ యూనివర్శిటీ: ఆదిమూలపు సురేష్

23/06/2022 (FORE NOON) 10.00 AM to 12.00 Noon

43. The Revenue Test, PartII (WITH BOOKS)
57. Labour, Factories and Boilers Department Test, PartC (WITH BOOKS)

93. Local Fund Audit Department Test, Second Paper (WITH BOOKS)

95. Fisheries Department Test (WITH BOOKS)

100. Treasuries & Accounts Service Examination, PartII, PaperIII (WITH BOOKS)

137. The Accounts Test for Public Works Department Officers & Subordinates, PaperI


138. Divisional Test, PartII, PaperV (WITH BOOKS)

141. The Accounts Test for Executive Officers (WITH BOOKS)

153. Departmental Test for NonTechnical Staff in the A. P. Electrical
Inspectorate Service (WITH BOOKS)

160.Juvenile Welfare Correctional services and Welfare of Street
Children Test, PartIV, PaperV. (WITH BOOKS)



▪️  EOT : 141

●Constitution of India

●AP Accounts Code 

●AP Civil Services Rules 1964

●AP Last Grade Employees Service Rules

●Revised Pension Rules

●Budget Manual

●Financial Code(Volume-1

●Treasury Code(Volume-1

▪️  GOT : Paper Code – 88

●Text Book for Gazetted Officers

●A.P.Educational Rules

●Right to Education Act & Rules

▪️  GOT : Paper Code – 97

●A P Educational Service Rules(Incl. APSS Rules,1996)

●Mandal Praja Parishads Act

●A P Panchayat Raj Act

●C.C.A Rules

★S.S.C scheme