Deputations to IASEs/ CTEs/ GCPE /DIETs Certain Instructions

Rc.No. 140/A&I/2020 Dated: 11/06/2022

Sub:- School Education – Strengthening of the Teacher Education
Institutions – Filling up of the regular vacancies in IASEs/ CTEs/
GCPE /DIETs by way of deputations – Streamlining the lapses
identified in the deputations – Certain Instructions – Issued 


This Office Proceedings Rc.No. 140/A7inI/2020 dt 17in.6.2020 along
with Annexure

The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School
Education /District Educational Officers and the Principals of
IASEs/CTEs/GCPE/DIETs in the State is invited to the reference read above,
wherein necessary instructions/guidelines were issued for the selection of
Teachers / HMs of Govt. / ZP Management Schools to work on deputation
in the Teacher Training Institutions to impart regular academic instructions
to the teacher trainees in the Teacher Education Institutions in the State.
The salaries of the deputation staff are being paid from the respective

2. Further, they are informed that certain lapses were brought to the
notice of the undersigned on the following issues: 

a. NCTE gudielines are not been followed while issuing the deputation
orders i.e., Teachers/HMs not having M.Ed., & without appropriate
methodology are posted. 

b. Seniority of the Head Master/School Assistant were not considered
in some districts. 

c. Posts are filled without having sufficient work load.
d. Postings are done without the approval of three-men committee.

3. Government vide GO No 15 dated 12.04.2022 has issued orders to
transfer the subject matter of B.Ed., M.Ed., B.PEd and M.PEd courses to
Higher Education the said courses are based on the semesters, the final
semesters will be completed by September, 2022. And no ELTC/Telugu &
Hindi Pandit courses are been offered/conducted at 5 DIETs and 2 IASEs

4. A meeting was called for with Principal DIETs/IASE/CTE on 20.05.202
in the state to discuss and design/develop the strategy for deployment of
HM/Teachers of eligible staff at DIET / IASE / CTE as per the workload
published in ALMANAC prepared by the SCERT/University Guidelines.

5. After elaborate discussions it was decided that to depute minimum (8
Lecturers) teaching faculty at IASE/CTE including regular lecturers if any
available, 12 teachers may be considered for deputation including regular
lecturer as per the workload and additional teachers may be considered if
any Urdu / Tamil medium are offered at DIETs. As such no courses are
been offered for Telugu / Hindi Pandit training. 

Flash...   conduct of meeting with Stake holder of Nadu-Nedu on 18.12.2020

6. Accordingly the detailed guidelines for the continuance or
repatriation of the deputed headmasters / School Assistants to work in the
Teacher Training Institutions are appended in the Annexure. 

7. Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors, District Educational Officers, Principals of IASEs/CTEs/GCPE/DIETs in the State are requested to
adhere to the given guidelines and complete the entire process within the
stipulated time and submit the compliance to the undersigned by
submitting the list of teachers considered for deputation for approval. 

8. The entire process should be completed by on or before 25th June,




Certain Guidelines for continuation of the deputations /
repatriation of Teachers /HMs in the Teacher Training Institutions
i.e., IASEs/CTE, GCPE and DIETs in the State

I. The deputations of the Head masters / School Assistants are
permitted for the following subjects in IASEs / CTEs to deal all the
classes as per the given workload of the ALMANAC issued by the
concerned Universities.

II. The deputations of the Head masters / School Assistants are
permitted for the following subjects in DIETs to deal all the classes
as per the given workload of the ALMANAC issued by the SCERT, A.P.

2. The deputations of the School Assistants (Physical Educations)
are permitted to work as Lecturer in GCPE, Gopannapalem as per
the sanctioned post. 

• The posts of Senior Lecturers at DIETs should not be flled by way of
deputations with the School Assistants / Headmasters. 

• The Teachers/HMs, who are working on deputations in the Teacher
Training Institutions should be continued as Lecturers if they had
adequate qualifcations for that subjects as per the above given
pattern subject to opinion of the students. 

• The present regular Lecturers should be deputed as a Senior
Lecturers in the same DIET for teaching only, not for
claiming salaries etc., 

Flash...   Who Invented the Mirror? అద్దం ఎప్పుడు కనుగొన్నారు? తొలిసారి అద్దంలో ముఖం ఎవరు చూసుకున్నారంటే..

• School Assistants working in Govt / Zilla Parishad Schools having a
minimum 10 years of service working are alone are eligible for
deputations to work as Teaching Faculty in IASEs / CTEs/

• Strictly Secondary Grade / Language Pandits Grade II should not be
considered for deputatoins to work as faculty in the Teacher Training
Institutions under any circumstances.

 • Any HMs / School Assistants, who have crossed 58 years of age,
should not be considered for deputations.

 • The post of Lecturers in the IASEs/CTEs/GCPE/DIETs are flled as per
with the NCTE norms only. Any deviations in the matter, should
viewed seriously and necessary action will be initiated as per rules in

• The Principals of IASEs/CTEs/GCPE/DIETs should scrutinize once
again and fnalized the list as per the norms of NCTE and submit the
same to the CSE, A.P., for approval. 

• The Science Consultant is the regular post at IASEs/CTEs. So their
services may be utilized as teaching faculty if they had the required
qualifications as per the Norms of NCTE.If the candidate working as
science consultant have no adequate qualification to teach at
IASE/CTE they may be repatriate /transfer. 

• The deputation of teachers will be permitted to the Language Pandit
Training Centers after re-started the course in the institutions. As
such, the existing Teachers / HMs, who are working for Pandit
Courses should repatriate to their parent department immediately.

 • The teachers who are deputed to ELTC department at  DIETs/IASEs/CTEs should be repatriated as the ELTC Center is not
running properly. 

• The Teachers who are working on deputation should be repatriated
at any time without any notice, if it found any discrepancy or

• The posts of Senior Lecturers at DIETs should not be felled by way of
deputations with the School Assistants / Headmasters. 

• The Teachers/HMs, who are working on deputations in the Teacher
Training Institutions to be continued as Lecturers if they had
adequate qualifications for that subjects as per the above given

 • The present regular Lecturers are to be deputed as a Senior
Lecturers in the same DIET.

Flash...   గూగుల్ సీఈవో సుందర్ పిచాయ్ పై ముంబైలో కేసు నమోదు!

 • Headmasters/ Schools of High Schools are to be continued or
repatriated on the basis of the opinion of the students. 

• To extend the services of the deputed teachers may be continued by
the opinion of the students on their teaching capability not basing on
their degrees or experience. Students’ opinion may be considered
and final in case of the continuing or drop the services of the
deputation teachers. Students are in summer holidays so the
opinions may be obtained through the Google form/sheet. 

• School Assistants working in Govt / Zilla Parishad Schools with a
minimum 10 years of completed service working in Govt / Zilla
Parishad schools are only eligible for deputations to work as
Teaching Faculty in IASEs / CTEs/ GCPE/DIETs. 

• strictly Secondary Grade / Language Pandits Grade II may not be
considered under any circumstances. 

• Any HMs / School Assistants, who crossed 58 years of age, should
not be considered. 

• The post of Lectures in the IASEs/CTEs/GCPE/DIETs are strictly to be
flled as per with the NCTE norms only. Any deviations in the matter,
should viewed seriously and necessary action will be initiated as per
rules in vogue. 

• The Principals of IASEs/CTEs/GCPE/DIETs should scrutinize once
again and fnalized the list as per the norms of NCTE.

 • The Science Consultant is the regular post at IASEs/CTEs. So their
services may be utilized as teaching faculty if they had the required
qualifications as per the Norms of NCTE.If the candidate working as

 The deputation of teachers will be permitted to the Language Pandit
Training Centers after re-started the course in the institutions until
that period the existing Teachers / HMs, who are working for Pandit
Courses should repatriate to their parent department immediately. 

• The teachers who were deputed to ELTC department at
DIETs/IASEs/CTEs should be repatriated immediately as the ELTC
centers are not running properly. 

• The Teachers who are working on deputation should be repatriated at any time without any notice, if it found any discrepancy or