SSC Reverification and revaluation scripts process Reverification application for SSC 2022 valued scripts, SSC Revaluation challan payment process , SSC challan , Reverification cahllan process , Reverification payment details Fee due dates, How to apply for SSC revaluation and Reverification process

a. The candidates who wish to apply for “Recounting” of their Answer
Scripts shall remit an amount of Rs.500/- Per Subject through
CFMS Citizen Challan ( on or before 20-06-

b. The candidates who wish to apply for “Reverification cum supply
of Photocopy of the Answer Scripts” shall remit an amount of
Rs.1000/- Per Subject through CFMS Citizen Challan
( on or before 20-06-2022. 

c. The Candidates who wish to apply for “Reverification cum supply of
Photocopy of the Answer Scripts” of a particular subject NEED NOT
apply for the “Recounting” of the that subject only. 

d. Payments made in any other mode such as Cash, Demand Drafts
shall not be accepted. Only the CFMS Citizen Challans shall be
accepted. Separate Challan shall be taken for each Candidate. 

SSC Reverification Challan Payment Procedure

Login to

Click on Receipt Links

Click on Citizen Challan

Select ESE03 Government Examinations Dept

Select 1049 Reverification and Issue of Xerox Copy of Valued Answer Script to SSC Candidates

Automatically HoA Displays 0202011020006800000VN

Select 27 AP Capital Region

Select 2700 Pay & Accounts Office – Andhra Pradesh

Automatically Displays DDO Code 27000303001 Government Examinations Department

Then Click on Submit

Purpose : SSC Marks Reverification amd Issue of Copy of Valued Answer Script

Remitter Name : Enter Candidates Name

Remitter ID : Enter Candidates Aadhar Number

Address : Enter Candidates Address

Mobile No. Enter Candidates Mobile Number

Email ID: Not Mandatory

Amount : Enter Amount in Digits

Amount in Words : Automatically Displays


Select Manual Payment “Or” e-Payment

Then Submit

Select Payment Gateway PAYU “OR” SBI and Proceed for Payment


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e. The Candidates who have paid the required fee through CFMS
Challan shall submit the following documents in their concerned
erstwhile District’s Office of the District Educational Officer which
is situated in the erstwhile District Headquarters:

i. Fully filled & Signed Re- verification/ Recounting Application
Form which is available on the Official Website The Application form is also available
at the counters in the O/o DEO in the concerned erstwhile
District Headquarters. 

ii. Photocopy of the Hall Ticket duly countersigned by the
Concerned HM. 

iii. CFMS Citizen Challan for the required amount obtained on the
Name of the Candidate

f. The filled in application forms along with the above documents will
be accepted at the designated counters at the O/o DEOs in the
erstwhile District Headquarters only. 

g. The Applications sent by Post to the O/o DGE, A.P (Board of
Secondary Education, A.P.) will not be accepted.
h. Revised Memorandum of Marks will be issued in cases of change of
Marks and Total only

i. The provision of Re-verification includes the following: 

i. Re-Counting the marks awarded. 

ii. Verifying whether the marks are awarded to all the written
answers or not. 

iii. Valuation of the Written Answers for which the marks are not
awarded earlier.
iv. “Re-Verification” does not refer to “Re-Correction” and the
appeals for re-correction of the answer scripts or certain
answers shall not be considered

9. Subject wise Memorandum of Marks will be hosted on the website, two (2) days after the announcement of results in
the concerned HM Login. 

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10. The Head Master can download the School wise Memorandum of Marks
and individual short memos from the concerned School Login. 

11. The Individual students can also download the MarksMemo of their
performance from the official website directly.


The Candidates who have applied for the Migration Certificate at the
time of submission of examination application and fees may approach the
Concerned HM to obtain the Digitally Signed Migration Certificate which
will be hosted on the Official Website, two (2) days
after the announcement of the results.
The Head Master shall download the Digitally Signed Migration
Certificate which is available in Color PDF Format and shall handover the
same to all the applied Candidates along with the Subject Wise Marks
Memorandum without fail. 

13. The Original SSC Pass Certificates with Subject wise Marks shall be sent to
all the schools in due course. The HM Concerned shall handover the
original SSC Certificate to the student by duly affixing their Signature on
the Certificate.