TMF Remuneration to Data Entry Operators – Enhancement to Rs. 18500 /-

 Memo No. 27021/80/2021-MDM Dated; 20/06/2022

Sub:- School Education – School Sanitation – Toilet Maintenance Fund – District
Programme Monitoring Unit – Remuneration to Data Entry Operators –
Enhancement – Orders- Issued- Regarding.

1. G.O.Ms.No.22 School Education (Prog-1) Dept, Dt. 12-03-2021.
2. This Office Memo No-27023/1/2020-MDM-CSE ,Dt. 03-06-2021.
3. G.O. No. 7 Finance (HR-1 Plg) Dept.,17-01-2022.

The attention of the District Educational Officers (erstwhile districts) is invited to
the reference read above, and informed that, the Government created the Toilet
maintenance Fund (TMF) in the reference 1st read above for maintaining
cleanliness of the Toilets, Urinals, dress change room, wash basins and other
associated items of the toilet complexes in all the government schools and all the
Government Junior Colleges in Rural and Urban areas. As part of the scheme the
Government ordered to constitute a District Project Monitoring Unit (PMU) to
follow up and monitor the TMF scheme in each district ( 13 districts) with (i)
One District Co-Ordinator and (ii) One data Entry Operator Accordingly
Instructions have been issued in this Office Memo No. 2nd read above, to
constitute District PMU in each district. The remuneration of Rs.25,000/- for
District Co-Ordinator and Rs.15,000/- for Data Entry Operator is being paid .

It is further informed that, the Govt. in the Government in G.O. No. 7
Finance (HR-1 Plg) Dept.,17-01-2022 issued orders enhancing the rates of
remuneration of Data Entry Operators from Rs.15,000/- to Rs.18,500/- .
In view of the orders of Government in the reference 3rd read above, , the
remuneration to the Date Entry Operator is to be paid as Rs.18,500/- with effect
from the month of February ,2022. The enhanced amount of Rs.18,500/- is
included in the month of remuneration payable for May,2022 and the arrears if
any from February to April,2022 will be paid at later date. 

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The District Educational Officers are requested to take further necessary
action in the matter