Training on VIII Class new textbooks (NCERT) from 27-06-2022 to 01-07-2022

Proc.No.ESE02/187/2022SCERT Dated:16/06/2022


School Education – SCERT, AP – Training on VIII Class new textbooks
(NCERT) from 27-06-2022 to 01-07-2022 in virtual mode –
Participation of teachers – Certain instructions issued. – Reg.


All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District
Education Officers in the state are aware that the Government of Andhra
Pradesh has unleashed a new era in school education by introducing
extensive curricular reforms from the academic year 2020-21. The
Government has taken up curricular reforms intending to enhance the
learning outcomes of the children.  

2. Further, it is aware that the textbooks of class VIII have been
adopted from NCERT and are customized according to the nativity of the

3. In view of the above, it is proposed to organize training to teachers
on handling the new textbooks for class VIII, before commencing the next
academic year. In this connection it is proposed to conduct virtual training
on VIII Class new textbooks from 27-06-2022 to 01-07-2022. (Links will
be shared separately).The resource persons from NCERT, SCERT and
Master trainers will conduct the sessions.

5. Therefore, all the District Educational Ofcers in the state are
requested to disseminate the above to all teachers who are handling class
VIII with an instruction to participate in the said training program without

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