All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education, District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shihsha in the state are aware that the schools are reopening on 5th July 2022 for the academic year 2022-26. In the reference cited certain instructions were given in respect of remedial teaching for seamless transition of students to their next level learning. Accordingly, the action plan was communicated to all fled functionaries

2. To initiate the remedial teaching during the initial days of the academic year, it is proposed to assess the standards of the student in respect of basics in languages and mathematics to the necessary remedies for bridging to their next level learning for ensuring Foundational Literacy and Numeracy among all students. In this regard it is proposed to conduct a baseline assessment to all students who are studying in government managed schools

6. In the reference 2nd cited, it is proposed to conduct the baseline assessment on 22nd July 2022 with the testing tools suggested by Pratham Foundation which is assessing the leaning outcomes of students across the country every year and publishing their reports as Annual Status of Education Report (ASER). The answer-scripts and other material should be submitted to the state on or before 2nd July 2022.

Flash...   Summative Assessment- l Timetable for 2021-22 - SYLLABUS

4. Therefore, all the District Educational Officers in the state are requested to conduct the baselines assessment in all government managed schools for all students who are studying classes 2 to 10 on 22nd July 2022 without fail. This assessment shall be administered by the File No.ESE02/501/2022-SCERT Additional Project Coordinators of concerned districts in coordination with the Secretaries of DCEBs duly meeting the expenditure as suggested by the State Project Coordinator, Samagra Shihsha.

5. The details and specifications of assessment material is mentioned hereunder.

 • Instructions booklet (4 pages) @ one per teacher 

• Testing tools with pen and paper (4 pages) @ one per student (10 different sets covering all students) 

• Oral testing tool (5 pages) @ one per teacher (2 different sets covering all teachers)