Declaration of all 2nd Saturdays in the academic year as holiday to all Managements of schools

Rc.No.ESE02/396/2022-SCERT Date: 06.07.2022

Sub: SCERT,A.P Academic Calendar – Declaration of all 2nd Saturdays in the academic year i.e., from July 2022 to April 2023 as holiday to all Managements of schools – Orders Issued – Reg.

Ref: This office Proc.Rc.No:ESE02/396/2022-SCERT, Dt:25.06.2022

 The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state Is Invited to the reference read above in which the guidelines and instructions are issued for implementation of Academic Calendar for the year 2022-23 along with list of holidays and working days during the academic year.

Further they are informed that, certain clarification is hereby issued that all the Second Saturdays in every month is declared as holiday during the academic year i.e., from July 2022 to April 2023 to all the managements ie., government, Aided and Private and also to ensure not to conduct any private classes/sessions on second Saturday to students.

Therefore All Regional Joint Directors of School Education and All District Educational Officers in the state are requested to follow the above instructions scrupulously and if any deviations found, action will be initiated against.

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