Physical Education Teachers Specialization Game Particulars

Rc.No.ESE02-33/27/2022-SECY-SGF-CSE Dated:18/08/2022

Sub: School Education – SGF AP – Physical Education Teachers
Specialization Game Particulars – Called for – Reg

Read: Instructions issued by Commissioner of School Education. 

The attention
of all the District Educational Officers in the state is invited to the
reference read above and they are informed that Physical Education Teachers
working under various managements have to submit their Specialization Game
Particulars of each Game/Sport based on the Previous Achievements as a
player in the below mentioned Google Form on or before 30th August 2022
without Fail.

Therefore all the District Educational Officers in the state are requested
to communicate the above Google Form to all Physical Education Teachers
through the Head masters concerned and ensure that all the Physical
Education Teachers should submit the details of their Previous Achievements
on or before 30th August 2022 without Fail. 

Previous Achievements as a player  (Highest Achievement) 

  1. International Medalist
  2. International Participant
  3. National Medalist Senior
  4. National Medalist Junior
  5. National Medalist Sub Junior
  6. National Medalist SGFI
  7. National Participation Senior
  8. National Participation Junior
  9. National Participation Sub Junior
  10. National Participation SGFI
  11. Inter University Medalist
  12. Inter University Participation
  13. NIS Certified
  14. None


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