One day Webex meeting to all Teachers on 13th September 2022

Orientation on “Teacher Training Need Analysis Form” on 13.09.2022 at 10.30 am 

Sub: SE –SCERT – conduct online YOUTUBE WEBEX meeting under DLI 6,
on 13.09.2022 , orientation on school complex level
training – falling the need based survey form –Regarding.

The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and
District Educational Officers in the state are invited that it is
proposed to conduct one day online YOUTUBE Web ex meeting in collaboration
with the LFE team, regarding orientation on filling up of the training
needs at school complex level to all the teachers working under government
management schools on 13.09.2022 from 10.30 AM to 12.00 Noon. 

Therefore they are requested to issue necessary instructions to all the
feld level ofcers under their jurisdiction to ensure all the teachers
irrespective of their subjects must be join the online YOUTUBE, WEB EX
meeting on 13.09.2022 from 10.30 AM to 12.00 Noon duly arrange the following

1. All the teachers must attend the orientation at right time without
2. Engage the students in other activities and to be safe, while the
program is going on. 
3. This online orientation is very important to all the
This will be noticed and further it will be reviewed by the
So take necessary action to join the teachers without fail. 

4. The WEB EX link will be shared on 12th and the same will be

 Rc.No. ESE02/561/2022-SCERT Dt:09/09/2022


Sub: School Education –SCERT – AP – Allotment of academic activities to
the lamentation Coordinators from SALT TEAM – District level – Certain
Instruction – Issued-Regarding.

Ref: 1.Requision from the Implementation lead – SALT TEAM to the Director
SCERT Dated 21 July. 2.Representation given by the Implementation lead, Sri
Naga Sai Krishna.

The attention of all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and
District Education Officers in the state to aware that SALT program is being
implemented by the state to strengthen the educational system. State
government has an MoU with the Leadership for Equity Organization, which is
the counter part of the trainings.

As a part of the MoU, LFE has submitted the list of the program
implementation coordinators to all Districts to support the educational
related activities including teacher trainings.

Hence all the District Educational Officers in the state are requested to
involve the implementation coordinators in the concerned districts to make
use of their services in academic activities and to provide work space in
DEO offices concerned. Herewith enclosing the list of implementation
coordinators for taking further necessary action in the matter.

List of District wise LFE Implementation Coordinators