Sexual Harassment / Molestation / POSCO Act – Creation of Special Cell

 Memo.No.104/A&I/2022 Dated: 26/09/2022


School Education-Disciplinary cases on allegations of Sexual
Harassment / Molestation / POSCO Act – Creation of Special Cell –
orders – Issued – Reg

Ref:-U.O.Note.No.27/CSE Peshi/ 2022 Dated: 13.09.2022 of the
Commissioner of School Education, Andhra Pradesh, Amaravati.

It has come to the Notice of the undersigned that there are several
disciplinary cases initiated against the teachers / non teaching staff based
on the allegations on Sexual harassment/ Molestation of children in the
schools. In most of the cases, criminal action is also taken under POCSO
act and other relevant sections under CrPC. The charged person is also
suspended and disciplinary action initiated. While the act is clear about
the action to be taken, it is noticed that there is undue delay in fnalizing
disciplinary proceedings by the respective disciplinary authorities. Due to
the delay in fnalising the disciplinary action, in many cases, the teachers
who were suspended on such serious allegations where reinstated either
in the same school or nearby locations. This is serious travesty of justice
and is giving wrong signals to the society. It is very important to take
prompt and stringent action on such cases and give a strong message to
everyone involved

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2. It may be recalled that, based on the directions of the Justice
Juvenile committee of Hon’ble HC of Andhra Pradesh, we have issued
Guidelines and SoP for safety of children, especially girl children in
schools. A complaint box is installed in the schools and posters to create
awareness about sexual harassment/POSCO Act are displayed. Teachers
were trained on various aspects of prevention of sexual abuse and
provisions of POCSO act. Nodal officers are also appointed in every school
for the implementation of the guidelines. In the light of the above, it is
necessary to establish a Special Cell in the Commissioner of School
Education to deal with the disciplinary cases on teachers and other
employees related to Sexual harassment/ Molestation/ POCSO Act etc.

3. In this connection, the Special Cell is created with the following
officers in the Office:- 

1. Smt. P.Parvathi, Director (Admin) O/o CSE 

2. Sri.Pattena Chowdary, Assistant Director (Ser – I & V) O/o CSE 

3. Smt P.Nagamani Assistant Director (Ser-II) O/o CSE

4. The above ofcers are directed to monitor with all the Regional Joint
Director of School Education and the District Educational Ofcers in the
state with regard to pending disciplinary cases related to the cases
mentioned above. And also informed to all the ADs in O/o CSE to submit
the list of such cases to this Special Cell. Any disciplinary case on these
issues shall be expeditiously completed within three months. If there is
any deviation, disciplinary action shall be initiated against the concerned
as the case may be.

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