Treasury Clarifications on Allowances in RPS 2015 will not be continued in RPS 2022

 Circular Memo No.A6/2325/2022 Dated.07.09.2022

Sub:- P.S. -T&A Dept.,- Revised Pay Scales 2022- Other Allowances –Reg.

Ref:- 1.GO.Ms.No101, Finance(Pc-TA) Dept., Dt.11.05.2022. 2.DTA, AP, Amravati Lr.No.FIN02-18069/71/2022-H SEC-DTA, Dt.05.09.2022 addressed to the AP Veterinary Association, Vijayawada and copy marked to this office.

While enclosing the clarification memo issued by the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, Andhra Pradesh, Amaravati in the reference 2nd cited on payment of other allowances which are not mentioned by the Government in the reference 1″ cited, all the ATOS/STOS in the district are instructed to follow the DTA instructions strictly while passing the bills and advise the respective departments to obtain permission from the finance Department in Secretariat through their administrative departments if they required payment of other allowances specified in RPS-2015,

Any deviation in the matter will be viewed seriously.



The Director of Treasuries and Accounts.

C-Block, 2nd floor. Anjaneya Towers,

Ibrahimpatnam, AP, Vijayawada -521 456

Lr.No: FINO2-18069/71/2022-H SEC-DTA 05/09/2022



Sub: PS-T&A Dept.,-AH- Objections raised by the Treasury Officials regarding the payment of EHCA and PG Diploma allowance to the eligible Veterinarians under RPS 2015 in NTR District-Clarification- Requested -Issued-Reg. 


1.GO.Ms.No.101, Finance (PC-TA) Department dated; 11-05-2022

2.Your Letter Dated.29.07.2022

In response to the letter 2nd cited, it is informed that after issue of G.O 1st cited, the allowances mentioned in the said G.O are only payable and as such the objections raised by the Treasury officer are in order. It is further informed that, for any Spl allowances which are in force in RPS 2015 and not forthcoming in the reference 1st cited, the respective depts may be advised to obtain permission from the Finance Dept in Secretariat through their administrative departments.

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