Up-gradation of 292 High Schools into High Schools Plus for Girls – Providing required teaching staff

 Rc.No.ESE02-14/18/2022-E-VI Dated:16/09/2022

Sub:- School Education – APESS – Up-gradation of 292 High
Schools into High Schools Plus for Girls from the Academic
Year 2022-23 – Providing required teaching staff to the
Upgraded High School Plus – Instructions – Issued.

Read:- 1. G.O.Ms.No.124, School Education (Prog-I) Dept.,
Dated: 07-07-2022.
2. Govt. Memo No.ESE01-SEDNOCSE/770/2022-Prog-I,
Dated: 07-07-2022.
3. This ofce Procs.Rc.No.31/A&I/2022, Dated.07-07-2022
4. U.O. Note No.31/A&I/2022, Dated: 14-08-2022 from the
Commissioner issued to the Joint Director (Services).

The attention of the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and
District Educational Officers in the State are invited to the references read
above and they are informed that the following abstract of Upgraded
schools management wise and district wise is shown hereunder:

Consequent on introduction of +2 Courses i.e. Intermediate Education
Courses in the above 292 High Schools from the Academic Year 2022-23,
the following instructions are hereby issued for running the Courses with
the necessary teaching staff.

• For running the Intermediate Education, the following staf for each
course are required in each school.

 Bi.P.C / M.P.C / C.E.C One PGT of the respective subject
One language teacher in English
One language teacher in Telugu
One language teacher in Hindi 

• The required qualifications for subject teachers and language
teachers in the cadre of PGT are mentioned hereunder 

Post Graduate Teacher:

A. Academic Qualifications: 

Must possess two-year integrated Post
Graduate Course from the Regional Institute of Education of NCERT or
Master’s Degree from UGC recognized University with at least 50% marks
in aggregate in the subjects as specified as under:

a. PGT (English) – M.A. in English. 
b. PGT(Hindi)- M.A. in Hindi. 
c. PGT(Telugu) – M.A. in Telugu. 
d. PGT (Civics) – M.A. in Political Science / Public Administration/ Politics. 
e. PGT (Commerce) – M.Com. in Commerce with Accountancy / Cost
Accounting / Financial Accountancy as a main subject / Master of Financial
Analysis provided having B.Com in Graduation level. 
Note: Holders of M.Com in Applied / Business Economics are not eligible  for the post of PGT-Commerce. 
f. PGT (Economics) – M.A., in Economics / Applied Economics / Business
Economics / Rural Development / Mathematical Economics / Econometrics. 
g. PGT (Maths) – M.A. / M.Sc. in Mathematics / Applied Mathematics
/Statistics / Applied Statistics / M.Sc. with Pure Mathematics / M.Sc. Maths
& Computer Science / A.O. Maths.


should have studied the subject Mathematics at their Graduation level

h. PGT (Physics) – M.Sc. in Physics / Electronics / Applied Physics / Nuclear
Physics / M.Sc (Tech) Engineering Physics with any specialization / M.Sc.
(Tech) Instrumentation / Space Physics/M.Sc. Technical Engineering
Physics /M.Sc. (Tech) Engineering Physics /M.Sc. (Tech) Applied Electronics
/ M.Sc. (Tech) Electronics / M.Sc. Engineering Physics and
instrumentation / Meteorology & Oceanography /M.Sc (Tech) Co-Physics /
M.Sc. (Astro Physics) /Any Physics based M.Sc. Course of any UGC
recognized University


Should have studied the subject Physics at their Graduation level.

i. PGT (Chemistry) – M.Sc. Chemistry with specialization in inorganic /
Organic/Physical Chemistry / Medicinal Chemistry / Industrial Chemistry
and Analytical Chemistry/M.Sc. with Nuclear Chemistry / Environmental
Chemistry / Mineral Chemistry / Fertilizers and Agro Chemicals / Phyto
Chemistry &ForestProducts / Chemistry of Foods and Drugs / Synthetic
Chemistry/ Applied Chemistry / M.Sc. Chemistry (Associate ship Exam in
Chemistry) M.Sc, Chemistry with specialization in Petro Chemicals /
Natural Products / Polymer Chemistry / Drugs and Pharmaceuticals / Forest
Products Chemistry


Should have studied the subject Chemistry at their Graduation Level.

j. PGT (Botany) – M.Sc. in Botany / Life Sciences / Bio Sciences / Genetics /
Micro Biology / Bio Technology / Molecular Bio / Plant Physiology /
Biological Sciences / Plant Sciences / Environmental Biology / Modern
Biology / Experimental Biology / Marine Biology.


Should have studied the subject Botany at their Graduation level,

k. PGT (Zoology) – M.Sc. in Zoology / Life Sciences / Bio Sciences / Genetics
/ Micro Biology / Bio-Technology / Molecular Bio / Plant Physiology / Animal  Biology / Environmental Biology / Modern Biology / Animal Sciences /
Experimental Biology


Should have studied the subject Zoology at their Graduation level.

B. Professional Qualifications

: Must possess B.Ed. recognized by NCTE
(or) equivalent degree with Methodology in the concerned subject from
UGC recognized University. 

• Separate action is being taken in consultation with the Government
for up-gradation of vacant SGT posts available in the districts into
PGT. After fnalization posts will be allotted as per the requirement.
• The willingness of the School Assistants to work as PGT should be
taken before issuing work order. 

• The working School Assistants (Subject / Language) in the respective
upgraded management schools who are qualified and eligible to
work as PGT needs to be identified and can be considered for
instructing them to teach the Class XI also in addition to their regular
classes allotted.
• If the School Assistants (Subject / Language) are not available in that
school the respective authority should identify the qualified and
eligible School Assistants from nearby schools within Mandal /
Division and they may be redeployed to the up-graded school to
work as PGT in respective subjects. 

• In respect of Schools where there are 02 same Subject / Language
School Assistants including PGT, the concerned Headmaster of the
up-graded High School and the concerned District Educational
Officer may take appropriate decision for allotment of classes and
periods to both teachers. 

• One increment should be given in addition to their present scale of
pay as and when the orders are received from the Government for
up-gradation of SGTs as PGTs.

• Preference is to be given in identifying the eligible and qualified
School Assistants to the female teachers. However, if female
teachers are not available, male School Assistants may be identified
for issuance of work order. 

• The present Headmaster of the Up-graded school shall act as
Principal of the School, till further orders. If the post of Principal is
already in existence in upgraded school the present Principal may be

• The RJDSE of the respective school may address a letter to the
File No.ESE02-14/19/2022-E-VI
Commissioner of Intermediate Education, A.P. and Controller of
Intermediate Board, A.P., to obtain permission and recognition to run
the courses allotted and conduct the Intermediate examination for
each academic year respectively, under intimation to this office. 
• In respect of Non-teaching staff, the instructions issued by the
Government vide reference 2nd read above shall be strictly adhered

• The respective District Educational Officers are requested to identify
unutilized vacant SGT posts management wise for the purpose of upgradation into PGT posts and furnish the same to this office within 10
The Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District
Educational Offers in the State are requested to follow the above
instructions scrupulously.

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