GO MS 199 Child Care leave modification – Enhancement of Maximum spells to 10

 Child  Care Leave –  Enhancement   of maximum  spells to avail the eligible  Child Care Leave of 180 days up to 10 spells –  Orders –  Issued.


G.O.Ms.No.199 Dated:   19.10.2022

Read  the following:-

1)  G.O.Ms.No.132,   Finance  (HR.lV-FR)  Department,   Dated:  06.07.2016.

2)   G.O.Ms.No.33,   Finance  (HR.IV-FR  &  LR) Department,   Dated:  08.03.2022.

3)  A.P. Secretariat  Association   representation,   Dated:  18.04.2022.


In  reference   1st   read  above  orders  were  issued  wherein,   the  women   employees   were permitted  to avail  child  care  leave  for two  months  viz.,  sixty  days  in the  entire  service  to take care of the minor child  for rearing  or for looking  after any other  needs  of the child during school or college examinations,   sickness  etc., subject to the following  conditions:

a)   Child  Care  leave  of two  months  can be sanctioned   in not less than  3 spells  to look after two  children  up to  the  age  of  18 years  and  with  disabled  children  up  to 22  years.  The Child  Care  leave  would  be permitted  only  if the  child  is dependent   on the  Government servant.

b)  LTC  cannot  be  availed   during  the  Child  Care  Leave  as  the  leave  is  granted  for  the specific  purpose   of taking  care  of the  minor  child  for  rearing  or for  looking  after  any other needs of the child during examination,   sickness  etc.

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c)   The leave account  for child  care shall be maintained  in the prescribed  proforma  enclosed and  it shall  be kept  along  with  the  Service  Book  of the Government   servant  concerned. The leave shall  be deducted  from the Child care leave account.

d)   Child  Care leave  shall  not be debited  against  the leave  account  viz.,  Earned  Leave,  Half Pay leave.

e)   The  Head  of the office  shall  ensure  that the  Child  Care  leave  availed  will  not affect  the functioning  of the office  for which necessary  orders  depending  upon the circumstances   of the office may be issued.

f)   Child  Care  leave  cannot  be demanded  as a matter  of  right.  It requires  the  prior  proper approval  of the leave sanctioning  authority.

g)   The leave is to be treated  like Earned Leave  and sanctioned  as such.

h) The Child Care Leave  may be sanctioned  in continuation  with maternity  leave or any other leave other than  Casual  Leave and Special Casual  Leave.

i)   The Child Care leave  can be sanctioned  during the period  of probation  also. However,  the period  of probation  shall be extended  to that extent.

j) The Child Care leave can also be allowed  for leave not due.

2.  Further,  in the  reference  2nd   read above,  based  on   the recommendations    of  11th  P.R.C. the child care leave  was enhanced  from  60 days to  180 days,  subject  to following  conditions  as specified  in the  orders  l” read  above.  However,  the  spells  were  restricted   to  maximum   3 in number.

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3. The  above  provision  of restricting  the number  of spells  to a maximum   3 in number  have created  certain   administrative    problems   during  implementation    of  the  child  care  leave.  The Andhra Pradesh  Secretariat  Association  have represented  to enhance  the spells maximum  to 10.

4. In  view  of  the  above   and  after  careful   consideration,    Government    hereby   direct  as follows,   subject   to   the   applicability    of   the   other   eligibility    conditions    stipulated   in   the G.O.Ms.No.33,  Finance  (HR.IV-  FR & LR) Department,  dated. 08.03.2022:  –

(i)  the maximum  spells to avail the eligible  Child Care Leave  of 180 days is modified  to that of 10 spells in entire service.

(ii) For those who have  already  availed  the eligible  period  of 60 days  or part of 60 days, the extended  period  may  also  be availed  within  the  spells  of  a maximum   10 excluding  the spells already  availed,  from the date of issue of G.O.Ms.No.33   Finance  (HR. IV -FR&LR) Department,  dt.08.03.2022   in both the cases.

5. This order is available  on online and can be accessed  at http://apegazette.cgg.gov.in 


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