Salaries of Absorbed Aided School Teachers from (010) Head instead of Aided Head Instructions issued

Memo No.ESE-02-18022/119/2020-PS-3-CSE Dated:11/10/2022

Sub:  School  Education  –  Private   Aided   Schools   –  Claim the  salary   in respect of  the 83 take over aided  Schools from (010) Head instead of   Aided  Head (060-061) aided  Head of  Account,  duly ratifying the action  in having  made  payment/claimed  salary  from 010 Head of Account     in    respect   of     the    2188   aided     staf   who    were absorbed Accorded-Government Orders –Communications-Reg.

1. This ofce Memo. No.ESE-02-18022/119/2020-PS-3-CSE Dt:03-11-
2. AP Educational Act,1982(Act No.1 of 1982)
3. G.O.Ms.No 50 School Education Dated 17.08.2021
4. This ofce Memo. No.ESE-02-18022/119/2020-PS-3-CSE Dt:31-08-
5. G.O.Ms.No 65 School Education Dated 24.09.2021
6. Proposals received from the District Educational Ofcers
7.This ofce Lr Rc No: ESE02-18022/40/2021-PS 3-CSE,
8. This ofce Lr Rc No. ESE-02-18022/119/2020-PS-3-CSE Dt:02-05-
9. G.O Ms No. 29 to 111 School Education(PS) Department Dated
10.This ofce Memo.No.ESE02-18022/119/2020-PS 3-CSE, dated
11. This ofce Memo.No.ESE02-18022/119/2020-PS 3-CSE, dated
12.Govt. Memo No. ESE01/253/2022-PS Dated 08.10.2022

A copy of  the Government Memo  received  in the  reference  12th read   above   is  herewith  communicated  to  all  the  District  Educational Ofcers in the state with a  request to take necessary action as ordered by the Government.


12. Memo,No.ESE01/25312022-PS Dated:   08/10/2022

Sub: Permission  to claim the salary in respect of the 83 take over aided Schools from (010) Head instead of Aided Head (060-061) aided Head of Account, duly ratifying the action in having made payment/claimed salary from 010 Head of Account in  In respect  of the 2188  aided  staff  who were  absorbed.

In   the    circumstances    stated    by   the   CSE  in   his   letter    cited, Government.  after   careful   examination.  hereby   accord  permission   to  him to   claim    the   salary    in   respect    of    the   staff   of   83   schools    (whose managements   have   handed   over   the  aided   Institutions    with   aided  staff along  with   assets)   from  010  Head  of  Account,   Instead   of  060-061   Aided Head     of     Account.      duly     ratifying      his     action      in     having      made payment/claimed   salary  from  010  Head of Account,  in respect  of the  2188 aided  staff  who  were  absorbed   from  722  Aided  Schools  into  Government   I Local Body Schools.

2.The  Commissioner  of  School  Education,   is therefore.    requested   to take  further   necessary  action  accordingly,   in the  matter.

3. his memo  Issues with  the  concurrence   of Finance  Department   vide thei U.O.No.FMUOASD(SE)/38/2022   (Computer  No.1828274).    dated. 30.09.2022.

Flash...   Relieve the teachers who are working as ASOs, APOs in the O/o. DEO, & teachers working in IT Cell & Bio Metric Cell in O/o. District Educational Office and DCEB