NGC Programme Implementation and Monitoring activities

 Sub: APNGC, Vijayawada – Role of NGC Regional &District Coordinators – NGC
Programme Implementation and Monitoring activities – Orders – Issued. 

Read: 1. Proc.No.389/B3/Sci/SCERT/2013 of the Director, SCERT, Dated
2. Proc.No.0009/NGC/DYEOs/Monitoring Visits/09-10,

National Green Corps (NGC) a nationwide initiative of MoEF&CC, Department of
Environment, Forest and Science & Technology Department is appointed as State
Nodal Agency for NGC Scheme in the state by GoAP in Andhra Pradesh. There are
around 1,60,000 Eco-clubs in schools and colleges across the country. A financial
assistance of Rs.5,000/- per Eco-club is provided under this programme with a ceiling
of 500 Eco-clubs per district for schools. In case of colleges the ceiling is 100 Eco-clubs
per State.

A.P. National Green Corps is successfully organisng the activities every year
acorss the state with the collaboration of various departments to explore the knowledge
on environment and conduct the related environment awareness among children from
2001-02. After bifurcation of the State, NGC appointed 13 District Coordinators and 10
Cluster Coordinators from each district to implement the programmes and support the
schools to form Eco Clubs.Till date NGC successfully organised many programmes like
Nature camps, Environment Day celebrations like Forest day, Biodiversity day, Earth
day, Earth Hour, Ozone Day, World Environment Day with the field functionaries.

As per the reference cited, the Deputy Educational Officers in the state were
designated as Honorary Divisional NGC Coordinators. And after bifurcation, as per
reference cited, the district coordinators were continued as district level structure for
NGC programme implementation and monitoring. In the view of the above and as per
the new districts’ formation, NGC is reorganizing the filed level implementing
authorities as follows:


 The field functionaries will work under the guidance of the Directorate and the
supervision of the District Educational Officers concern 

 The selection of the above team is based on their previous activities in the field of
environmental education and implementation in their schools and area. 

 The priority will be given to Bioscience and Physical teachers who are working on
the environmental education in their schools. 

 In view of the above, you are requested to depute the NGC Implementation and
Monitoring Team addition to their regular duties and whenever they attend the
program treated as ON DUTY


National Green Corps (NGC) a nationwide initiative of MoEF&CC. Department of
Environment, Forest and Science & Technology department is appointed as State Nodal
Agency for NGC Scheme in the state by GoAP in Andhra Pradesh.

Environmental Education, Awareness and Training (EEAT) 

The Environment Education (EE) Division of MoEF implements the Central Sector
scheme – “Environment Education, Awareness and Training (EEAT)”, which was
launched in the financial year 1983-84. The Scheme aims inter alia to promote
environmental awareness and mobilize student’s participation for environment
conservation. Major programmes operational under the Scheme are as follows:

Flash...   ఇంటర్ కాలేజీల పునః ప్రారంభం , పని దినాలను, సిలబస్‌ కోసం విద్యా రంగ నిపుణుల అభిప్రాయాలు సేకరణ

National Green Corps (NGC) Programme:

MoEF&CC embarked upon a major initiative for creating environmental awareness
among children by formulating National Green Corps (NGC) in 2001-02. There are
around 1,60,000 Eco-clubs in schools and colleges across the country. A financial
assistance of Rs. 5,000/- per Eco-club is provided under this programme with a ceiling
of 500 Eco-clubs per district for schools. In case of colleges the ceiling is 100 Eco-clubs
per State. Some of the activities undertaken by Eco-clubs for generating environmental
awareness include:

 Awareness on solid waste management (waste segregation into biodegradable and
non-biodegradable) through setting up 2-bins in schools– (1) Blue bin for dry waste
like paper waste, glass waste, e-waste and (2) Green bin for wet waste. 

 Celebration of important environmental days in schools such as World
Environment Day, World Wetland Day, Earth Day, etc. by organizing debates,
quiz, slogan competitions, drawing/poster competitions etc, on the related theme. 

 Plantation drives in and around the school campus.
 Cleanliness drives.

Implementing Partners:

The various programmes under the EEAT Scheme are implemented in States/ Union
Territories across the country through identified State Nodal Agencies (SNAs). In Andhra Pradesh:
Nodal Agency 

 Environment, Forest, Science and Technology Department 

 In association with the Department of School Education Andhra Pradesh

AP NGC previous activities

APNGC is successfully organisng the activities every year acorss the state with the
collaboration of various departments to explore the knowledge on environment and
conduct the related environment awareness among children from 2001-02. After
bifurcation of the State, NGC appointed 13 District Coordinators and 10 Cluster
Coordinators from each district to implement the programmes and support the schools
to form Eco Clubs.

Till date NGC successfully organised many programmes like Nature camps,
Environment Day celebrations like Forest day, Biodiversity day, Earth day, Earth Hour,
Ozone Day, World Envionent Day with the field functionaries.

Conducted Nature camps for CWSN children in the all districts very effectively.
In Covid pandemic period also we organised the online webinars on variuos topics
related to conservation, Traditional Knowledge System etc..,
We organised Green School Programme with the collaboration of the Center for
Science and Environment -CSE, New Delhi. In 2018, 2019, 2020 consecutively Chittoor
distict stood in first place in National Level in Highest registrations and audit
submission and Andhra Pradsh stood first place in the country in this event

Flash...   Promotions some clarifications by Director of School Education

The pandemic period explore the ways to learn the things virtually in
asynchronous mode the AP NGC is signed a MOU with ECHO INDIA-New Delhi to
conduct capacity building trainings for Green Teachers.Under this program the
Chittoor district is organised a program “Environmental communication for Behavioral
Changes ECHO” a six months course with the 142 participants all over the state and
issued the course completion certificates inperson mode.


State Convener: 

 Conduct all activities with the directions and supervision of the Director AP NGC
and the Field functionaries like Regional Coordinators, District Coordinators 

 Provide trainings about new concepts to the DCs by online or offline mode 

 Identify the Best Green Schools or Best Eco-friendly activities in the state and
explore for the practical implementation to all schools
 Implement Green School program (GSP) PCRA Energy Conservation, WWF
programmes and other eco related activities 

 Coordinate and liaison with the Forest department and involving Plantation drive,
Vanam-Manam, Vanyaprani Saptah etc. 

 Create a variety of programmes to explore the activities of Environmental concern
like cloud watching clubs, climate changes, ban of Single usage plastic, Earth hour

  Documentation of all the programmes for submissions to MoEF- New Delhi with
the concern of the Director, AP NGC  

Regional coordinator: 

 Motivate the district coordinators from the regional level to involve all the
programmes assigned by the Directorate of AP A.P. National Green Corps

  Coordinate with the Districtcoordinators to conduct all the pogrammes especially
Plantation drive, Cleanliness drive, Plastic free schools, PCRA activities 

 Create new activities based on the region like exposure visits, Biodiversity
activities, capacity building for Teachers, awareness of the public etc and
implement with the help of NGOs and Directorate as per the fund availability

  Documentation (program wise, monthly, yearly and as on when required) of all
activities and submit related reports to the Director AP A.P. National Green Corps 

 Act as an ambassador between School Education and the AP NGC and other

District Coordinator: 

 Coordinate with the High School HMs/Green Teachers to establish Eco-Clubs in
their schools with 8 and 9 class children (20-50 students) 

 Motivate the Eco clubs to do the activities of the 5 themes like Air, Water, Energy,
land and waste management 

 Coordinate the programs sanctioned from the State Directorate like Nature camps,
capacity building trainings, plantation etc. 

 Celebration of important environmental days in the district such as World
Environment Day, World Wetland Day, Earth Day, etc. 

Flash...   Ola Electric Scooter: విడుదలైన ఓలా ఎలక్ట్రిక్‌ స్కూటర్.. ఫీచర్లు చూస్తే వావ్ అనాల్సిందే.. సబ్సీడీతో ధర కూడా తక్కువే..!

 Organize district level debates, quiz, slogan competitions, drawing/poster
competitions etc., on the related theme for Teachers and Students in online /offline
 Actively participate Plantation drives in the district with the help of Forest

 Participate Cleanliness drives like river cleaning and beach cleaning activities
 Motivate the schools for the award of Swachcha Vidyalaya Puraskar
 Motivate the schools to participate Green School Programme organized by CSENew Delhi about Green Auditing. 

 Coordinate with District Educational Officer and other officials in the district to
organize the eco-friendly activities 

 Organize capacity building trainings for teachers with the help of NGOs and
Charity agencies.
 Any important work assigned by Directorate AP NGC and DEOs 

 Organize all these activities with the collaboration of cluster coordinators 

Division/Cluster Coordinator 

 Cluster coordinators are the front-line field functionary to monitor the Eco clubs in
their cluster or Division 

 Each cluster have 50-100 schools each 

 Motivate the Eco-Clubs to organize the programmes assigned by the District
Educational Officers in the division 

 Collect the UC/SOE and Annual Documentation from the Eco-clubs and hand over
to the district coordinators/Deputy Educational officers 

 Will monitor the Eco-clubs in their jurisdiction by visits or virtual modes

School Heads and Green Teachers: 

 Selected school Headmasters have a vital role to establish Eco-Clubs in their schools

Structure of the Eco-club:

  Each Eco-club shall consist of 25-50 members. These members are selected among
the VIII – IX class students at the concerned school who show interest in
environment related issues 

 The Eco-Club have Five Themes like Air, Water, Energy, Waste, Land (in Green
School Program CSE New DELHI we should add another theme is Food) 

 School Headmaster is the convenor for the School Eco-Club and Green Teacher is
the coordinator and add PTA chairman and Members as an advisory member. 

 School Heads will appoint Green Teacher who was handling Environmental
Sciences or Physical Education (SA PDs) or any other interested teachers 

 Green Teacher will motivate the children to participate all eco friendly activities
and celebration of environmental days plantation drives with the help of other

 Headmasters will maintain Eco Club Record and submit UC, SOE with and
purchase the things as per the Directors guidelines and produce Bills for @Rs
5000/- of a grant without fail. 

 The Eco- club is not for a routine work it was created for a great social cause so be
aware and do activities to conserve the environment 

Download proceedings 

Download 26 Districts NGC team members